Issue Position: National Defense

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

Providing security against foreign danger is the preeminent responsibility of the federal government. Ron adheres to the philosophy expressed by the Founding Fathers as well as President Ronald Reagan that the best way to deter conflict is to maintain a robust defense capability. Indeed, President Reagan's resoluteness in the face of the Soviet threat and his insistence on rebuilding America's military might led to the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the Soviet empire.
Under the Obama-Clinton-Kerry foreign policy, the United States has adopted a posture of weakness vis-à-vis our enemies and hostility to our allies. Indeed, the Obama administration has treated Cuba's Raul Castro and Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei better than the Prime Minister of Israel, who is staunchly pro-American.
Turning the page on this period of national security failure requires a defense posture that defends America's vital national interests, stands by our allies and displays firmness with our enemies. Floridians can count on Ron to stand with Israel, fight Iran's attempt to go nuclear, and oppose the dictatorial regimes in Cuba and Venezuela. Ron has also introduced legislation to cut off aid to countries that receive detainees from Guantanamo Bay if they show back up on the terrorism recidivism list.
