Issue Position: Universal Access to Preschool and Early Learning Opportunities

Issue Position

I will keep fighting for a lasting commitment to our kids and early learners, including access to Pre K for 4 year olds. In Minnesota, we have always treated education as a right that should be accessible to all. If we value early childhood education, then we need to make sure every family in Minnesota can participate.

This issue is crucial for Minnesota's future for many different reasons, including the need to equitably educate our children and close the achievement gap. But this is also an economic issue about providing flexibility and opportunities for families of all incomes.

Providing universal access to preK for Minnesota's kids and their families is no small feat. However, I know that if we come together with our kids' best interests in mind, we can ensure that every child in Minnesota has access to high-quality preschool that is cost-free for their families.
