Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

Parents should be empowered with the ability to provide their children with the best education available irrespective of zip code. By expanding school choice, charter schools and other education options, parents have the necessary tools to provide the education that best fits their child. Wisconsin also needs standards in order to measure performance at all grade levels. However, I do not support a national standard that may lower Wisconsin standards (grading on a curve only serves to enable those that underperform). We must demand more for every tax dollar spent at every level of government. I fully support Governor Walker's freeze on UW tuition and his efforts to form a consortium to set Wisconsin standards.

I also believe we need to hold our tech schools accountable. The average Ozaukee taxpayer provides the same amount of revenue to MATC as they do to Ozaukee County. Yet MATC's board of directors remains unelected and largely unaccountable. MATC's board should be elected and held accountable to the taxpayers. "Taxation without representation."
