Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii, NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, Washington State National Organization for Women Affirm Support for Governor Jay Inslee

Press Release

Date: July 25, 2016
Location: Seattle, WA
Issues: Women Abortion

Today, in the week leading up to the primary, Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii, NARAL Pro-Choice Washington, and the Washington State National Organization for Women affirmed their support for Governor Jay Inslee, citing his record on expanding access to women's health care and fighting back against attempts to restrict women's rights.

"In the face of relentless attacks on women's constitutional rights to exercise the health care decisions that are right for them, Jay Inslee has never wavered in his support for women's reproductive and sexual rights," said Elaine Rose, CEO of Planned Parenthood Votes Northwest and Hawaii. "We need a strong champion in the governor's office. We need Jay Inslee."

"In an election year when the stakes have never been higher for women, NARAL Pro-Choice Washington is proud to support a governor who we know will stand with women, fight for reproductive freedom, and work not just to protect but expand the right to choose in Washington State," said Rachel Berkson, NARAL Pro-Choice Washington's Executive Director. "Washington is a pro-choice state with pro-choice values, and Governor Jay Inslee reflects those values."

"Women in Washington need an advocate in the Governor's office who cares passionately about the issues they care about -- such as raising the minimum wage, paid sick and family leave, health care for all, work and employment parity, reproductive justice, and above all, good public schools," said Linda Malanchuk-Finnan, Washington State National Organization for Women. "Jay Inslee has been that Governor, and we need him back in the Governor's office four more years to continue pushing for these key issues."

"This is a very simple, but important issue for me: women should have the right to make their own reproductive health care decisions, not anyone else," said Governor Jay Inslee. "Every year, Republicans here in Washington state have attacked that basic right, attempting to defund Planned Parenthood and take away reproductive health decisions for low-income women. We cannot and will not turn back the clock on women's health. Thank you Planned Parenthood Votes, NARAL, and NOW for your support. As long as I am governor, I will fight back back against those obsessed with restricting women's health care."

Bill Bryant, Governor Inslee's challenger has urged for Republican control of the Washington state House and Senate, campaigning across the state for Republican candidates. These caucuses have fought to defund Planned Parenthood and restrict women's health care throughout Jay's term as governor.
