Issue Position: Positions

Issue Position

I support Family Wage Jobs. Family wage jobs are a product of meaningful economic progress. Government's role to advance economic progress is one of being a contributing partner to business and industry.

The key word here is partner. Economic progress will not produce great results unless there is a great partnership between business and government.
Business will bring forth the market, organization, finance and assume the risk.

We only have to look at the failed projects to see the reason for failure. The economic development business/government partnership requirement was not followed. Examples are the Delta Barley Project, Healy Clean Coal, and the Anchorage Fish Processing Plant. The reason they failed is that Business and Industry were not partners with government. Had business been a partner one can bet none of these projects would have been undertaken and the money the politicians wasted could have gone a long way toward improving infrastructure or, for instance, the Susitna Dam project that could appreciably lower GVEA, CVEA and MEA electric rates.

I am a small business man and I will vote for government to fulfill its role in economic development as outlined by the eight points above. I will not vote to allow government to be in business. Government has no business in being in business. We need the family wage jobs that business creates. Business creates jobs that create wealth. Government makes jobs that consume wealth.

I support:

1. Education Reform
2. Needed Infrastructure
3. Reasonable Regulations
4. Reasonable and Stable Tax Policy
5. Public Safety and improved emergency response times
6. Low Cost Energy
7. Tourism
8. Natural Resource Development

I am sure there are more points than what I have listed here. We need to list them, develop them similar to above, and then post them to the website. The website must be a constant work in progress. Many of the things you will cover in the site will be discovered in your campaign travels. Make a note, assign a writer to compose the text, edit it, and then post to the website.

Give me a call.
