Issue Position: Values

Issue Position

By: Tim Rudd
By: Tim Rudd
Date: Jan. 1, 2018
Issues: Abortion Marriage

"I've worked tirelessly over the last 30 years to elect conservatives to federal and state office. I've canvassed neighborhoods, made phone calls, put signs up, managed campaigns, and done just about everything one can do to help get good people elected, and I've long been involved in our community. I strongly believe that our next State Representative must be a proven, trusted, conservative leader who is dedicated to Rutherford County." -- Tim Rudd

Tim has dedicated over 30 years of his life to building the Republican Party into a majority Party, promoting conservative values by fighting bad legislation and electing conservatives to all levels of government, and he has worked to ensure that our community's values are both protected and promoted.

Tim is Pro Traditional Marriage. He believes that traditional marriage between one man and one woman forms the foundation of the family unit, which then becomes a supportive and stabilizing institution of society.

Tim is strongly Pro Life. Life is a sacred gift from God, and is to be valued and protected for all including the unborn, those with special needs, the poor, and the elderly. Tim served as treasurer for Tennessee Volunteers for Life (forerunner to Tennessee Right to Life).
