Issue Position: Protecting our Elderly

Issue Position

The Ability of our Elderly to meet their own Basic Needs should NEVER be Compromised

As my grandmother gets older, I think about how much she has given to others throughout her life. It makes me cringe when I hear politicians on both sides of the isle try to hold the welfare of our Senior Citizens as a political tool that can be tossed around every time a partisan bill or budget issue needs to get passed. No laws should ever be passed that will take away the resources that the elderly have worked their whole lives earning.

​To protect the homes of our Seniors we need to look at legislation that prohibits property tax increases at a certain age and assists those with limited incomes from this tax burden.

​In order to protect the assets we need to better reward those who have invested in Long Term Care. Missouri's Partnership Program that protects our Senior Citizen's assets only works with antiquated Long Term Care insurance programs. Today we are opting for more financially responsible Hybrid Long Term Care insurance options and our Missouri Department of Insurance is not willing to change along with us.
