Issue Position: Responsible and Accountable Government

Issue Position

Responsible and Accountable Spending will
Lower YOUR Income Taxes

In 1931 our Missouri State Income Tax structure was put into place for yearly income tax increments of $1000, reaching the top tax bracket at $9,000. This tax structure is still in place today! In 1931 $1000 of income would hold the same buying power as earning over $15,000 based on inflation rates for the last 85 years.

​Our Missouri Government is taxing our hard working citizens at a rate that they should not have to afford. The citizens of Missouri should keep more of their own money!

​The State can only collect less in taxes when we spend less money. Our Government spends money at a higher rate per capita than any neighboring state! Missouri needs Legislators who will be responsible and accountable with your tax dollars to get more accomplished while providing relief to your family.

​This is should be the goal of our entire 2017 Legislative Session!
