Issue Position: The environment--protecting and restoring our future

Issue Position

By: Sam Hunt
By: Sam Hunt
Date: Jan. 1, 2016

We must build a sustainable future for ourselves and our grandchildren. Washington is known as the Evergreen State for a reason--its beautiful natural resources.

We must protect and improve water quality in Puget Sound, the Columbia River and other bodies of water.

Oppose increasing number of massive coal and oil trains crossing Washington State

Increasing use of solar and wind energy while reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

I sponsored laws to drastically reduce mercury from the workplace and products used in the state and to implement recycling of mercury-containing products such as florescent lights and to mandate removal or repair of failing septic systems along Puget Sound.

Capitol Lake continues to be a big environmental issue for our community. The 2016 capital budget contains funds to develop a plan to address this. We must find a solution that is acceptable to a large majority of the community so we can save this waterway and maintain the area as a beautiful center of our capitol campus.
