Issue Position: The Environment

Issue Position

It is a vital function of our state government to ensure that future generations are able to enjoy the same quality of life that we have.

All of us in Washington State, including me, place a high value on our clean environment and the protection of our natural resources. That is why Washington is one of the most livable places in the country. I believe it is a vital function of our state government to ensure that future generations are able to enjoy the same quality of life that we have. I do not believe we have to trade jobs and economic opportunities in order to achieve this.

The Governors' Office and the Department of Ecology are planning the usurpation of legislative authority by unilaterally proposing the establishment of ill-advised low carbon-fuel standards and a cap-and-trade program similar to California's. This would not only violate the separation of powers and deprive the citizens of representation, but it would have a devastating impact on our economy and all Washingtonians' wallets, while doing virtually nothing for the environment.

As your Representative, I will seek balance and will fight to protect the environment in a way that doesn't surrender our ability to work and play and enjoy our property rights. Help me to rein in the abusive taking of power by the DOE. Let's work for the separation of powers in Washington State.
