Issue Position: Transportation

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

Transportation is a key support system for our state economy. Washington State roads and bridges must be properly maintained in order to safely and efficiently transport goods and services in and out of North Central Washington. Brad believes that the state should focus transportation dollars on maintenance and preservation while reducing traffic congestion. Transportation improvements rely heavily on the per-gallon gas tax while consumption has declined in recent years due to more fuel efficient vehicles. It is likely that this trend will continue as more electric vehicles are manufactured.

Brad does not support implementation of a "vehicle miles travelled" charge and he voted against the gas tax package in 2015, which resulted in a 12-cent per gallon gas-tax increase. Instead of over-burdening drivers in rural areas who travel longer distances and utilize heavier-duty vehicles, lawmakers should consider developing smaller, more realistic lists of projects that use tax dollars more efficiently. Brad voted against the gas tax transportation package because the 12th District will pay approximately $250 million in taxes and fees and receive $100 million in projects, essentially paying $2.50 for every $1 received. Brad realizes that transportation projects need funding, but he wants to ensure that people in the 12th District receive their fair share. He also believes the legislature should place more of a priority on the maintenance and preservation of existing roads and bridges before developing new projects.
