Richard Viguerie Endorses Fleming for Senate

Press Release

Date: April 25, 2016
Issues: Elections

Congressman Fleming receives another high-profile endorsement when conservative pioneer Richard Viguerie endorsed his campaign for United States Senate.

In a column placed in his highly visited site, Viguerie wrote:

"I Endorse Dr. John Fleming for Senate in Louisiana"

By: Richard Viguerie

"… one stands out as a proven full-spectrum conservative, and that candidate is Dr. John Fleming,"

"I am greatly honored by Richard's endorsement today. Few have done as much as he has for the conservative cause over the decades. A direct mail guru, Richard has been the model for all conservative campaigns. His Cajun ancestry makes him an icon to many in Louisiana," said Fleming.

Viguerie went on to say:

"Fleming is a physician and entrepreneur and, most importantly, a founding member of the House Freedom Caucus.

What do I mean by a "full-spectrum conservative?"

During his three terms in the House John Fleming has taken many tough votes, and has earned top ratings from a broad spectrum of conservative organizations…

… Most importantly, based on his performance and record in the House, if elected to the Senate John Fleming will fight the status quo in Washington.

John Fleming was one of a few stalwarts in the House who stuck to their conservative principles and regularly and steadfastly objected to John Boehner's constant surrenders to President Obama's liberal agenda. Fleming's regular stand for conservative principles was a significant factor in the feckless John Boehner's resignation as Speaker.

I have every confidence Dr. John Fleming will maintain the same steadfast commitment to conservative principles he displayed in the House if he is elected to the Senate. I urge my friends and family in Louisiana to vote for John Fleming to ensure that a proven full-spectrum conservative serves as Louisiana's next United States Senator."

Viguerie is now part of a growing line-up of who's who of conservative luminaries and organizations that have united behind Dr. Fleming's campaign for United States Senate.
