Issue Position: Healthcare- Decrease costs, increase coverage.

Issue Position

Obamacare is a mess. But you already know that. More and more insurers pull out of the exchanges across multiple states every month. The result of Obamacare has been to impose higher costs, less options, and more burden on Wyoming taxpayers. We are learning that it is killing jobs and stifling our economy. We must work, even at the local level, to repeal and replace Obamacare. Wyoming citizens must have access to adequate and affordable healthcare. Costs are through the roof, in large part because those in Washington have failed to take adequate cost cutting measures. The bright side is that the failure in Washington has created a window of opportunity at the state level for us here in Wyoming to find the right solutions for our people. Lately our Legislature has been disinterested in pursuing state solutions and has failed to adequately address healthcare for our citizens. We will make it a top priority during the 2017 Session to find solutions in increase coverage in Wyoming and decrease costs for those struggling.

One key is to highlight preventative medicine and increase access. We have failed to do this for decades. We have to take back control of the costs. When doing this, we must stand firm on the fundamental principle that healthcare decisions should be made by doctors and individuals, not by insurance companies or the government.
