Issue Position: Tax Policy

Issue Position

The budget surplus we've seen over the past two years is an indication that Minnesota is collecting more of your hard-earned tax dollars than are needed. That's why I proudly supported and helped to pass more than $800 million in tax relief over the next three years, most of which was unfortunately vetoed by Governor Dayton. I hope he will call a special session so we can do right by middle-class families.

I am glad that this year the legislature passed and the Governor signed the largest veterans tax cut in state history. Thanks to this bipartisan effort, militay pensions will no longer be subject to state taxes. We went from having one of the least-friendly veteran tax policies (one of just a few states with no partial or full exemption) to one of the best in the country.

When families have more money they spend it on entertainment, vacations, and other goods and services that in turn help their local economies. When small businesses have a reduction in taxes they re-invest in their business faster and many times give employees more money to keep them secure. Our taxes are some of the highest in the country and we can't afford to lose companies to other states that 'woo' them and their good paying jobs away. Being competitive is critical.
