MSNBC "The Ed Show"- Transcript: Trans Pacific Partnership


Date: June 2, 2015


Joining me tonight, Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota. Congressman,
good to have you with us. I know that you are a no vote on Fast-Track and.


SCHULTZ: We`ve talked about this we had a sit down group of you Democrats
who are clearly against this for all the reasons of when it comes to jobs.
Why is Fast-Track taking Medicare dollars? This is a new twist in all of
these that could raise the ire of a lot of people. What`s happening here?

ELLISON: Well, quite frankly it`s outrageous. So trade adjustment
assistance is the assistance that displace the workers can get when they
are thrown off their jobs by trade deals that undermine their current jobs
in the U.S. and those jobs are off short. That when they.

SCHULTZ: So, where should that money come from Congressman?

ELLISON: Where does it come from the people who`re going to make all that
money on the Trans-Pacific Partnership? The Trans-Pacific Partnership is
an investment deal which will make fabulous amounts of wealth. It will
make the multinationals even richer than they are now and yet they will
want to pay for the displaced workers that they are going to create.
They`re actually taking from the workers retirement, healthcare fund,
Medicare in order to pay for trade adjustment assistance. I think Ed, it
as absolutely wrong and I hope the seniors know all about it and hope
organizations stand up for senior`s outrage because I am. It`s hard to

SCHULTZ: So with this in a sense just be another nail on the coffin for
Medicare financially? This would be another strain on that resource. No

ELLISON: Absolutely, but you know, haven`t seem like every few months,
we`re looking for ways to a paper step out of the Medicare. We recently
went and do the doctor pays (ph) out of Medicare. I mean the fact is
Medicare is an important program to help seniors cover medical cost and we
should not be raiding it every time we want to pay for something but, your
question to me is actually the right question. Multinationals will benefit
hands only from Trans-Pacific Partnership that`s who`ve benefit it from
South Korea trade deal, that`s who`ve benefit it from Columbia, that`s
who`ve benefit from NAFTA, not the workers.


ELLISON: Why shouldn`t they pay for it?

SCHULTZ: Well, they should pay for it. There`s no question about it.
Now, my sources are telling me that the White House is pulling out all
stocks that the President is making campaign promises. Do you know that?
Are you aware of that? Can you confirm it? And do you think the Democrats
will stand firm for workers in this country and not allow this to go

ELLISON: I believe that workers know that their oath and their commitment
is to the people they represent. The average person will not benefit from
this trade deal so I think despite he White House`s persuasive efforts,
they will not work because people have to face the voters and also beyond
voters. People really do serve to serve and not so they can just get on
air force one or some other goodies or anything like that. I think that
Congress is going to hold firm and the President is go way back to the
drawing board and figure out how to get a trade deal that is actually going
to increase workers and increase American jobs.

SCHULTZ: And finally, do you think your colleagues will hold the line
because right now...


SCHULTZ: ... the vote were taken right now, it would be a no.

ELLISON: I believe in my co-work colleagues, I believe that their
commitment is to their constituents.


ELLISON: And to the people who work on there district everyday.

SCHULTZ: Congressman Keith Ellison of Minnesota, good to have you with us.
I appreciate it very much.

ELLISON: Yes, sir.

