Issue Position: Campaign Finance Reform, Ethics and Redistricting

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

* Currently, in North Dakota, candidates for elected office do not have to report how much money they raise, how their campaign funds were spent, or even if they have a specific campaign account. Additionally, special interest groups are able to provide travel, lodging and meals to candidates and elected officials with no disclosure required. I support common sense legislation that requires candidates for public office to disclose how their funds were spent, requires a separate campaign funds account, and requires the reporting of travel, lodging and meals provided by special interest groups.
* Following the Census every 10 years, a committee made up of legislators redraws the boundaries of the legislative districts throughout the state, including their own. There is no independent body in the state of North Dakota responsible for the investigation of elected officials' potential unethical practices. I strongly support the creation of an independent ethics commission comprised of North Dakotans who do not serve in elected office to review ethical concerns raised and oversee the redistricting process every 10 years.
