Issue Position: Energy Independence: Jobs, Environment, Security

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

America has great energy resources, but politics and radical special interests are preventing us from utilizing them. Meanwhile, we languish as importers are reliant upon the whims of terrorist despots and Middle East sheikhs who use their oil and gas supplies to dictate international politics.

Each year, America imports more than $400 billion in energy. We are stuck in a cycle of borrowing money from China to buy oil from Saudi Arabia and elsewhere. Wouldn't it be better to spend those dollars here at home?

In Congress, I will support policies like the Keystone XL Pipeline and other projects with bipartisan support which would create jobs and reduce America's devastating and costly reliance on foreign oil. In the case of the Keystone project, as many as 100,000 American jobs could be created, but still the Obama administration rejects the proposal.

The reality is, we can be doing much more to increase domestic energy production, while safeguarding our environment, and increasing our own national and economic security. In Congress I will support the siting of new domestic oil refineries, investment into the latest advances in nuclear energy, and proper investment into solar and wind power (without the money laundering through Obama campaign contributors we saw with Solyndra and the president).
