Issue Position: Jobs and Economic Growth

Issue Position

I believe we can reduce the tax and regulatory burden on families and job providers as an important first step toward jump-starting our nation's economy. Government doesn't create jobs, but government can prevent jobs from being created. Big government has over-taxed and over-regulated our economy to such an extent that employment opportunities have largely been replaced with welfare realities. This isn't the future we wanted for our children and grandchildren, and it's time we turned things around.

So let's get Congress and the federal government out of the way of real job growth. Let's get politicians and special interests out of the way of real employment gains. If Washington wasn't so worried about who was going to take credit for success, America's economy would likely be moving more quickly than it is today.

Small businesses account for a large majority of America's job base. The more government grows, the more it pushes small business out of the way. Only by balancing the budget, reducing the tax and regulatory burden on businesses, incentivizing innovation and capital reinvestment, and getting government bureaucrats out of America's boardrooms will we be able to return our nation to the economic powerhouse we once were.
