Issue Position: Pro Business

Issue Position

Growing our economy and creating jobs is a top priority. America works when Americans are working! There are more people in the U.S. not working today than almost any other time in history, and in rural areas including much of CD-1, citizens are the hardest hit. It is critical we get Americans back to work so they can provide for their families.

We don't need more government programs to create more jobs; we need government to get off our backs and out of the way! We must eliminate job-killing programs like Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, and excessive EPA regulations, and we need to reform our tax system. Our business tax rates are the highest in the developed world, and yet some still wonder why we are losing jobs to other countries.

For over twenty years, I ran our family business, Bennett Oil. I enjoyed working alongside hundreds of fellow employees over that time to serve our customers and support our families. It wasn't easy, and one of the biggest obstacles we had to consistently overcome was our own government, but the company grew more than three-fold during this period. We need leaders who've signed the fronts of checks, not just the backs.
