Issue Position: Pro-Life

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016
Issues: Reproduction

Life is a God-given gift. We must stand up for the sanctity of life. Unborn children are the most vulnerable members of our society, and therefore require our greatest responsibility to protect.

We must also be compassionate in our defense of life. Many women turn to abortion when they feel like they are out of options. These women need our support, as do their children. We can help both by providing alternatives that don't violate the rights of either.

As a teenager I watched my mother and other women from the Prescott community create Birthline: an organization providing direct assistance, support and adoption/parenting options to expecting mothers. Still in existence today, it has helped thousands of women (and children) choose life. I'm proud of this heritage.

Planned Parenthood and similar groups not only champion the killing of these defenseless children, but also profit from the sale of their body parts. They should not be taxpayer-funded, and needs to be investigated by the Attorney General's Office.
