Issue Position: Rebuild a World-Class Education System

Issue Position

Cecilia's dad was a 30-year, high school ag teacher, so she has a real respect for teachers and the challenges facing our public schools. We need to make California's public education system once again the envy of the nation.

*Invest in our kids and our future, through smaller class sizes and offering every student the range of classes they need to grow and prosper, like art, music and theatre, languages, advanced placement and gifted, and career-technical classes.
*Make sure our schools are safe havens, where teachers can teach and children can learn.
*Fully fund pre-kindergarten education for all California 4 year olds.
*Increase vocational education and job training programs that help high school graduates and today's workers prepare for the jobs of tomorrow.
*Stop income inequality by combining accountability, support for teachers and parents, and efforts to improve low performing schools in our cities and rural communities.
*Increase access to higher education by making tuition more affordable through increased funding and holding the line on administrative overhead.
