Issue Position:The Economy & Job Creation

Issue Position

As the premier state economy in America, and the eighth largest economy in the world, California has been pioneering economic growth since it first joined the United States. Our state's economy consistently rates above many countries, so I know California has the potential to experience unparalleled economic growth.

But in order to realize this, we must create an attractive environment for California's businesses not only to stay here, but also to relocate here as well. As your State Senator, I plan to work closely with businesses to help design a regulatory framework that provides businesses with the certainty that they need to invest in California. Additionally, as your voice in the State Senate, I will work tirelessly to ensure that California continues to remain an economic powerhouse and a job generator. I'll do this by advocating for more investments in job-training and workforce development, so that workers who don't go to college can learn a skill or trade that helps to land them a good career path and ultimately a pathway into to middle class. Simultaneously, I'll be a fierce fighter when it comes to keeping California economically competitive, especially when it comes to the 35th District's and our state's key industries like international trade, particularly at the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, in entertainment, healthcare, biotech, technology, aerospace, defense, clean energy, services and so much more.

An example of this brand of leadership can been seen through my work as a prominent supporter of California's film tax credit. This law aims to curb runaway production and keep Southern California's signature industry of entertainment and the tens of thousands of jobs it creates right here in the Golden state. Beyond industry, I'm a firm believer that California's small businesses represent the backbone of our economy. We can and must work to keep these small business here in California, but also keep them successful and growing so they can continue to hire more workers. I also recognize that we can't have a strong economy without the infrastructure in place to allow our economy thrive. That means modern transportation systems, more mass transit, safe roads and bridges, cutting-edge Ports, airports and transit hubs and more. I am committed to continuing to lead the charge on these issues as the 35th District's next State Senator.
