Issue Position: Education and School Choice

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

Education is a multi-faceted integral component of a successful national economy. New technologies, innovations and the need for greater productivity drive the need for our educational institutions to "keep up' to train and develop a workforce that can meet the challenges of a global economy. A purpose driven education focuses on preparing for the end result -- a job, in contrast to just "getting an education'. This focused education must have as its sub levels; trades and specialty training, skilled technical training, professional development and those who excel in high level research and innovation. In addition, to give parents a leading role in the education of their children, school choice (meaning the availability and accessibility of educational opportunities) is essential to our education system. Parents have the sole authority to choose what is best for their children including choices in education. Education in itself is not a solution but a means to get to a result much faster.
