Issue Position: Fiscal Responsibility and Government Performance

Issue Position

Monitor government spending, make taxes fair and put the public first

Avoid errors like the current Administration's loss of over a half billion dollars by making Indiana government more accountable and transparent. By mandating audits of all state agencies and post the results online, citizens can see exactly how their taxes are spent.

Accomplishment: A new law established a committee to study our state and local accounting systems to help avoid costly errors, such as the $500 million mistake discovered last year in state government.

Use audit results to cut/change programs that don't work and strengthen those that do

Preserve homestead deductions and standardize property tax assessments to make the process transparent, fair and predictable

Provide targeted (a) property tax relief for seniors so they aren't taxed out of their homes and (b) income tax deductions for renters to help them become home/condo owners

Accomplishment: I stood in support with a group of senior citizens and residents in the Yorktown Homes neighborhood appealing City Hall's decision to revoke their homestead credits and double their taxes. We voice our opposition and successfully had the decision overturned by a unanimous vote of the appeals board.

Understand that politics is broken and focus on solving problems (not partisan fighting) by working across party lines in a clear and civil way that puts the public's needs first

Continue door-to-door visits, hold public meetings in different neighborhoods of our district and actively engage citizens in solving local problems

Accomplishment: I have continued going door to door the past two years to talk with you at your door step. In the sun, rain, and snow I've continued my pledge to you to remain open and accessible. I've held town halls across the district and continue to hold Open Office Hours each month for you to stop by and talk about an issue, concern or idea you have. I have enjoyed our conversations about how we can work together for a better, stronger community.
