Issue Position: Agriculture

Issue Position

Agriculture is very important to the economy of the 12th district.

The 12th district has:

750 poultry houses
Produces 7.5 million pounds of beef, raises 1500 horses and a wide variety of goats and other livestock
Over 1000 farms whose average size is 85 acres
We have 3 tractor and farm equipment dealerships, 6 Ag suppliers and many other allied companies to assist our Ag producers.
A wide variety of other agricultural enterprises. The 12th district is one of the largest agricultural areas north of Macon according to Ag Census reports.

I have spent my life working with the folks who make working in agriculture part of their life. I have been a leader in this area for many years. In this election it is deeds not words, its leadership and commitment to our community.

I will continue to work to defend your ability to work the land and help feed our community. To defend Agriculture you must understand the issues and challenges you face. I know the issues.
Property rights are important to all of us. I will defend them.
You need a representative in Atlanta who knows your business, lifestyle and values. I will stand up for you.
Water and agriculture go hand in hand. I understand this critical issue and I will be involved in the development of guidelines for water use.
When we created the Jasper Farmers Market 10 years ago, we knew it would increase income for our local farmers/gardeners. It did, and we worked with Representative Graves to make the rules of Farm Markets in Georgia more market friendly. It's the largest community Farmer's Market in North Georgia.
Our Agricultural youth programs are valuable to our schools and communities and our families. FFA, 4-H and Young Farmers programs prepare our kids and young people for the future. Our district has very successful programs in these areas. I will be for youth and all of Agriculture.

We know it is Deeds not Words that determine what kind of leader you are. Agriculture and the 12th district need a leader who has fought for Agriculture before and is not afraid to speak up and take a stand.

Vote for Rick Jasperse. I want to serve you as your State Representative! You can count on me.
