Norton Resolution Honors D.C. Servicemembers Who Died Serving Their Country without Full Voting Rights

Press Release

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC) noted that just before Members recessed for Memorial Day, the House voted last Wednesday to overturn a referendum overwhelmingly passed by District of Columbia residents. Therefore, this year Norton introduced a resolution honoring the sacrifices of D.C. servicemembers who lost their lives while serving in the armed forces without full and equal rights.

"Memorial Day reminds us of how much we owe to each and every American who died while serving their nation, none more so than District of Columbia residents," Norton said. "From the nation's beginnings, the sons and daughters of the District have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country without the full and equal rights enjoyed by their fellow Americans. The very least Congress can do to honor their memories is to give the District of Columbia full voting representation and ultimately statehood."

Norton's full resolution is below.


Recognizing the lack of full voting rights in Congress for active duty service members, National Guard members, reservists, veterans, and their families who are District of Columbia residents.

Recognizing the lack of full voting rights in Congress for active duty service members, National Guard members, reservists, veterans, and their families who are District of Columbia residents.

Whereas on the last Monday of May, our Nation observes Memorial Day, a Federal holiday commemorating the men and women who died in the service of their country;

Whereas the service and sacrifice of the active duty service members, National Guard members, reservists, veterans, and their families is unparalleled;

Whereas the civilian population of the United States has the honor and privilege of being protected by the active duty service members, National Guard members, and reservists;

Whereas the active duty service members, National Guard members, reservists, and veterans have risked life and limb to protect the American people and uphold the rights and freedoms of the people of the United States;

Whereas approximately 30,000 veterans are residents of the District of Columbia and lack full voting rights in Congress;

Whereas residents of the District of Columbia fought to create the United States, and have served in every war since;

Whereas 243 District of Columbia residents have been casualties of the Vietnam War, more than 10 states;

Whereas 547 District of Columbia residents have been casualties of the Korean War, more than 8 states;

Whereas 635 District of Columbia residents have been casualties of World War I, more than 3 states;

Whereas 3,575 District of Columbia residents have been casualties of World War II, more than 4 states;

Whereas 192,406 District of Columbia residents have served in the military since World War I;

Whereas residents of the District of Columbia, including active duty service members, National Guard members, reservists, and veterans are denied full voting representation in the House of Representatives and the Senate; and

Whereas Congress should pass H.R. 317, the New Columbia Admission Act, which would grant full and equal voting representation and control over local affairs to the District of Columbia by making it the 51st State: Now therefore, be it

Resolved, That the House of Representatives recognizes the lack of voting rights in Congress for active duty service members, National Guard members, reservists, veterans, and their families who are District residents.
