Issue Position: The Future of Oregon Ag & Government

Issue Position

Date: June 10, 2016

Recently I took an agricultural tour of four businesses located in the Willamette valley. Visiting these agricultural businesses was interesting, yet it did not stray too far from what I see everyday in Klamath and Lake Counties. While the particular crops may differ, the struggle of each farmer and rancher is all too familiar.

First, we visited a tree seedling farm that produces 10 million seedling trees each year. Their primary crop is Douglas Fir for reforestation efforts. They also produce several other varieties for shipment nationwide. Next, we stopped at a blueberry and hazelnut farm that also packs fruit for other farmers. We sampled fresh blueberries and observed the packing process of fresh blueberries. Third, we visited a small vegetable farmer who was clever in finding profitability by growing vegetables others deemed too difficult to grow in Oregon. Finally, we ended the tour at a beautiful cattle ranch, where a wise rancher talked about the foolishness of dam removal on the Klamath river.

All four farms carried a common theme -- the current growth of government will significantly damage their businesses. Whether it is the new minimum wage law passed this year, IP 28 up for a vote in November, or removal of dams, these farmers and ranchers told us such policies will destroy the growth and survival of many agricultural businesses in Oregon.

This is why I want to be your State Representative in Salem. I clearly understand that liberty cannot exist in a climate where government continues to expand. In order for liberty to thrive and for our economy to grow, government must be limited in size and scope. As your representative I will champion these ideas, so Oregon farmers and ranchers can pass along to the next generation a prosperous tradition, business and future.
