Issue Position: Healthcare

Issue Position

ObamaCare is not working and demonstrates why putting the federal government in charge of healthcare is the wrong approach to meaningful reform. The last two years have seen remarkable increases in individual premiums in Nebraska. Small businesses across the state continue to report that the new costs and regulatory burdens from ObamaCare are impeding growth. This means ObamaCare is preventing local economies from growing, and creating new jobs. As a state legislator, John will oppose efforts to expand ObamaCare at the state and local level.

More than opposing ObamaCare, we must stand for positive reforms that put patients first. That is why John supports reforms that reduce health care costs, making health insurance more affordable for more people.

*Government, through the tax code, currently favors a system where health insurance accounts are managed through corporations, not individuals. That is wrong. We must reform that tax code to give individuals greater ownership of their own health care.
*We ought to encourage Health Savings Accounts, which give patients greater autonomy in spending decisions regarding the health services unique to their needs.
*It is absurd that Americans cannot purchase health insurance across state lines, we must do away with regulations that block Nebraskans' access to the best insurance coverage at the lowest price.
*Support market-based reforms that give more decision rights to patients and health care providers and limit the role of government bureaucrats.
*Create transparency in the healthcare market. Consumers cannot make informed decisions about their care unless providers offer clear, transparent information regarding comparative costs.
