Howey Politics: 9th CD Democrats coalesce around Shelli Yoder

Press Release

Date: Aug. 24, 2015

Yoder told Orange County Democrats, "We can win this election," after Young shifted his sights to the U.S. Senate race. After huddling with U.S. Sen. Joe Donnelly Friday at the Indiana Democratic Editorial Association convention, Yoder told HPI that she is "a better candidate" for her challenge to Young in 2012 as well as the two years she has served on the Monroe County County Council. The open seat "makes all the difference" Yoder said, believing that a Democrat can be competitive in the 9th CD. "I wasn't inclined to do the impossible," she said of getting into the race after Young shifted to the Senate race.

In announcing her candidacy last week, Yoder said "I'm a different kind of Democrat, and I will always put common sense over partisan ideology." The former Miss Indiana who lives in Bloomington added, "I believe good government and a strong private sector can work together without leaving hard-working Hoosier families behind, and I have a proven track record of working across the aisle to solve tough problems as a public servant. More than anything, I understand as the mom of three y
Howey Politics: 9th CD Democrats coalesce around Shelli Yoder
oung children that you can't fix anything if folks are always fussing and fighting. It's time to put petty politics aside and move all communities and Hoosiers in the Ninth District forward."
