Environmental Protection Agency's Finalized Renewable Fuel Standard

Floor Speech

Date: Dec. 2, 2015
Location: Washington, D.C.


Mr. YOUNG of Iowa. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to discuss the Environmental Protection Agency's finalized Renewable Fuel Standard, otherwise known as the RFS.

The biofuels industry has created good-paying, technical jobs in rural economies, helped lower gas prices for consumers, protected the environment, and reduced reliance on foreign oil.

On Monday of this week, the EPA finalized RFS levels for 2014, 2015, and 2016. While they are a slight improvement from the proposed rule, they still fall short of congressional intent put into law in 2007. Unfortunately, this decision raises questions about the administration's commitment to rural.

America and domestic biofuels. Despite public assurances to support the biofuels economy, the EPA has done just the opposite.

The disconnect is startling. A reduction in RFS levels increases uncertainty and stifles investment in the advanced biofuels sector. We should all be concerned by the precedent this decision sets for other renewable energy sources. It allows the administration to ignore the facts and the law in order to set a standard of its choosing.

The RFS is working. It is time the EPA started listening to the people impacted by their rules and regulations.

I am committed to supporting the biofuels industry, its producers, its farmers, and its consumers, and to continue fighting against any attempts to undermine it.

