Issue Position: The Environment

Issue Position

A Committed Environmentalist

Environmental protection has long been a passion of Steve's. He understands the balance between affordable energy and economic growth while protecting the incredible natural resources the 8th District and Pennsylvania have to offer.

Steve knows that dealing with climate change goes hand in hand with securing our environment and our local economy. Steve will push for renewable energy sources, not just alternative energy sources, and understands the importance of investing in green jobs. He will work with environmental allies to ensure that as we continue to expand our energy portfolio, we always put in place the necessary safeguards to keep our air and water clean.

Even before going to Washington, Steve is already working with the leaders at all levels of government to protect homeowners who recently had their flood insurance rates spike. As we saw during Hurricane Sandy or the recent snowy winters, flooding is a major problem in our area but huge insurance increases place an undue burden on people who already live in these flood plains. Steve is also working on legislation to offer tax relief to homeowners and to encourage municipalities to take steps to prevent flood damage; and he will continue this work on this in Congress.

Marcellus Shale Gas Extraction

Almost immediately after taking office in 2009, Steve came a leader in the fight againstgas extraction on state lands. He was instrumental in getting an exclusion order signed to stop further leasing of state lands.

Steve was also a leader in the fight against Act 13 -- former Governor Corbett's attempt to prevent local governments from passing ordinances to protect their citizens. Steve also sponsored legislation that required greater distances between extraction sites and homes, drinking water supplies and streams, lakes, and rivers. Steve supports a continuation of the moratorium on drilling in the Delaware River watershed, a comprehensive study on the short- and long-term effects of hydraulic fracturing.

Energy Policy

In Harrisburg, Steve has worked closely with industry leaders on new legislation that would increase alternative energy requirements -- making Pennsylvania a leader in solar energy standards -- while enacting new consumer protection rules that would help keep the cost of energy low.

Steve has also promoted sound energy policy for the district, helping secure a $250,000 grant for Lower Makefield Township to purchase LED lights that will reduce energy usage, saving taxpayers about $50,000 a year. In his effort to help Upper Makefield's Crossing Vineyards become energy independent in the next five years Steve helped the business get a $21,000 grant to purchase of solar panels.

Protecting Open Space

Since his days as a leader in the movement that stopped the Matrix big-box store shopping center, Steve has been a strong proponent of open space preservation.

In Harrisburg, Steve introduced a bill in committee that would give communities more power to control development. Among other things, the legislation would allow towns to reject proposed development if there is not sufficient infrastructure (such as roads, schools, utilities, etc.) to service it.
