Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

During his service in the legislature Kumar has made quality education for Maryland's students a top priority. As a result of those efforts five of the last six years Maryland's schools have been ranked in the best in the nation. Despite this success Kumar knows that we must continue to make education a priority so that children have access to a quality education.

Promoting Early Childhood Education: A child's academic success begins at a young age and that is why Kumar believes in investing in early childhood education. During his time in the legislature he expanded access to pre-k and in Washington he'll work to increase federal aid to early childhood education programs in low-income areas.

Making STEM Education A Priority: In order to ensure children are prepared for 21st century economy jobs it is essential that an emphasis be put on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education at an early age. In Congress, Kumar will fight to increase STEM education funding and to increase the number of grants available to low-income school districts.

Increasing Access to Affordable Education: Kumar understands that access to affordable higher education and career-training options are the building blocks for young people's future success. Kumar supports President Obama's plan to provide free community college to those who qualify for it and will work to expand access to Pell Grants and low-interest student loans.
