Letter to Dr. Stephen Ostroff, Acting Commissioner of Food and Drug Administration - Daily Reference Value for Added Sugars on Nutritional Facts Labeling


Dear Acting Commissioner Ostroff:

We appreciate the opportunity to provide public comment in response to revised provisions of the proposed rule for the Nutrition Facts label. In particular, we would like to express our strong support for the proposal to include a daily reference value (DRV) for added sugars.

It is a widely accepted fact among health professionals that higher consumption of added sugars contributes to tooth decay, weight gain and obesity, diabetes, liver disease, and heart disease, among other health issues. The World Health Organization, the American Heart Association and other highly-regarded members of the public health community recommend limiting added sugars to 10% or less of total caloric intake. However, various studies show that most U.S. adults consume between 19.5 and 22 teaspoons of added sugars a day -- well over the recommended amount. This is due, in part, to the fact that many foods Americans consume contain added sugars, and often times, it is not apparent to the consumer. In fact, according to the Union of Concerned Scientists, almost three-quarters of packaged foods contain added sugar. It is therefore difficult for Americans whose diet consists of large quantities of added sugars to meets nutritional needs while staying within calorie limits.

We are pleased that the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee has recently recommended a daily limit for added sugars, and that the FDA is now reflecting this recommendation in its Nutrition Facts label proposal. We strongly support requiring the labeling of both added sugars per serving and the corresponding daily reference value for added sugars. Providing such information will better enable Americans to make informed decisions about the foods they eat and feed their families.

We commend the FDA on their proposal to include a daily reference value for added sugars and urge FDA to swiftly finalize the rule. Thank you for the consideration of our comments.

