Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Anthony believes every child, no matter where they live or where their family is from, deserves a world class education. That's why he's dedicated to ensuring that our children, their families and future generations have access to quality educational opportunities that lead to strong middle class jobs.

As a Delegate and Lieutenant Governor, Anthony fought to make education a priority. He held down tuition at our public universities and colleges, he increased investments in community colleges -- such as the new health sciences center at Prince George's Community College and the library renovation and expansion at Anne Arundel Community College -- he expanded scholarships to Veterans and military members and families, he expanded Pre-Kindergarten to an additional 4,000 children and he passed the Dream Act so that children of immigrants have the same opportunity that his father had when he first arrived to this country nearly six decades ago.

As your education advocate in Washington, Anthony will:

*Ensure universal pre-K for every four year old and increase federal aid for education;

*Fight to provide teachers with more professional support and resources, empower educators to lead, while also holding them accountable, and ensure more time for students to learn;

*Work to keep college accessible and affordable by supporting low-interest federal student loans and President Obama's proposal to make community college free ;

*Champion greater investments in Career Technology Education to increase the number of students who are prepared for growth industries with specific job-related skills; and

*Make it a national priority to increase the college-completion rate, which requires a stronger commitment to our HBCUs and year-round Pell grants.

Education is the lifeblood of the American Dream. By investing in education we will close the achievement gap, prepare the next generation to compete in the global economy, ensure that our workers are ready to take on new challenges and provide every Marylander and American with the opportunity to fulfill the American Dream.
