Grassley on Pope Francis' Visit to Washington, D.C.


Date: Sept. 24, 2015

Sen. Grassley made the following statement today regarding Pope Francis' visit to Washington, D.C.

"This week, I had the second opportunity in my life to be in the presence of a pope. This visit was an historic one. Pope Francis made his first trip to the United States and a pope addressed Congress for the first time in history.

"I attended the White House ceremony on Wednesday welcoming the pope to our nation's capital. The ceremony was spectacular, with more pomp and circumstance than even ceremonies for presidents of other countries.

"This morning, Pope Francis gave a strong speech that was well received by Congress. He talked about the American spirit and the American dream. America, as he says, is still a land of dreams for many people. And he's right.

"He also talked about the state of our world today, how violent conflict seems to be increasing, and the challenges we as a nation and as a people face. He said that these challenges call for a renewal of that "spirit of cooperation' that has done so much good in our country's history.

"He mentioned four Americans who have contributed to this: Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Dorothy Day, and Thomas Merton, and spoke of their contributions to American society.

"I appreciated the opportunity to hear from Pope Francis. Even if I don't agree with him on all matters, as fellow Christians we do see eye-to-eye on the essentials. It was inspiring to hear a leader of such high esteem."
