Statement by Congressman Jeb Bradley on the Budget Conference Report

Date: April 28, 2005
Location: Washington, DC


Today, I voted for the fiscal year 2006 Budget Resolution Conference Report, which passed the House of Representatives by a vote of 214 to 211. I believe that this Budget Resolution is a reasonable fiscal blueprint that funds our nation's needs while reining in spending. I applaud the hard work and determination of Conference Chairmen Gregg and Nussle in putting forth a budget that balances the needs of our nation with the fiscal realities that confront us today.

This budget meets the goal set forth by President Bush of cutting the deficit in half in five years. In order to meet this goal, we have to make difficult choices. This budget charts a sound fiscal policy by curtailing discretionary spending while reducing the growth of entitlement spending. The budget reduces non-defense discretionary spending for the first time since 1996. The spending restraint that we show today will lead to a strong and viable economy tomorrow.

The events of September 11th have forced us to re-evaluate how we defend our nation. In order to win the War on Terror, we have been forced to strengthen our borders and send our troops abroad to fight terrorism at its source. This budget will allow us to achieve those goals necessary to maintain our military strength and provide our troops with the equipment and support that they need in order to complete their missions.

Finally, the budget keeps our promise to our nation's veterans. The budget provides $31.8 billion for veterans discretionary spending for fiscal year 2006, an increase of nearly $1 billion over last year's level, without implementing enrollment fees or increasing prescription drug co-payments. During House Budget Committee mark-up, I offered an amendment to increase new discretionary budget authority for veterans by $229 million in fiscal year 2006 and by $1.15 billion over the next five years. I am glad that today's Budget Resolution reflects our continued commitment to our veterans and military personnel.
