Tester Backs Community Bank and Credit Union Legislation


Date: June 4, 2015

Senator Jon Tester, a senior member on the Senate Banking Committee, is backing a bill to provide regulatory relief to community banks and credit unions while also protecting consumers.

"Main Street lenders shouldn't be punished for the financial crisis. They weren't the ones who got us into that mess," Tester said. "This bill will provide common sense regulatory relief so small lending institutions can continue to help families buy their first home and support small businesses as they expand, while also protecting financial consumers."

"Montana's credit unions applaud Senator Tester's continued efforts to support community-based financial institutions. We are proud that our senator is looking for ways to reduce the stifling regulatory burden heaped upon those that didn't cause the financial collapse and we stand ready to work with him to find meaningful regulatory relief," said Tracie Kenyon, President and CEO of the Montana Credit Union Network.
