Legislative Committees

Behavioral Health Commission

Virginia Joint Committee

The Behavioral Health Commission is established for the purpose of studying and making recommendations for the improvement of behavioral health services and the behavioral health service system in the Commonwealth to encourage the adoption of policies to increase the quality and availability of and ensure access to the full continuum of high-quality, effective, and efficient behavioral health services for all persons in the Commonwealth. In carrying out its purpose, the Commission must provide ongoing oversight of behavioral health services and the behavioral health service system in the Commonwealth, including monitoring and evaluation of established programs, services, and delivery and payment structures and implementation of new services and initiatives in the Commonwealth and development of recommendations for improving such programs, services, structures, and implementation. The Commission is specifically charged to (i) collect and analyze information and data necessary to accomplish its purposes; (ii) monitor and evaluate the jurisdiction, powers and duties, operations, management, and interrelationships of any department, division, board, bureau, commission, authority, or other agency with direct responsibility for the delivery, coordination, management, or financing of behavioral health services in the Commonwealth and develop recommendations for the improvement thereof; (iii) monitor and evaluate the design, implementation, and operation of new behavioral health initiatives in the Commonwealth and develop recommendations for the improvement thereof; (iv) examine matters related to the delivery of behavioral health services in other states and to consult and exchange information with officers and agencies of other states with respect to behavioral health service issues of mutual concern; (v) maintain offices and hold meetings and functions at any place in the Commonwealth that it deems necessary; (vi) invite other interested parties to sit with the Commission and participate in its deliberations; (vii) appoint any work group or special task force from among its members to study and make recommendations on specific matters before the Commission; and (viii) report its recommendations to the General Assembly and the Governor annually and to make such interim reports as it deems advisable or as may be required by the General Assembly and the Governor. The Commission may coordinate with other agencies and entities of the Commonwealth with regard to development and proposal of recommendations related to behavioral health services and the behavioral health service system.