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RSS Feeds

Subscribe to Vote Smart's RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds to get updates on the 20 most recent keyvotes going through Congress -- all directly to your desktop! Our feeds are free for all to use and we hope to add feeds covering our other basic categories of information in the near future.

RSS Frequently Asked Questions & Help

What is RSS?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is an XML-based language that is used to distribute and share web content via an rss aggreggator, or feed reader. It is a way for organizations to create an additional outlet for people on the go and want customized and news/updates about specific topics and events. With RSS, you get only the news and updates you want, which will save you time from having to navigate to specific websites. These feeds provide a quick summary of web articles or news pages with a link to the full page. So, you can breeze through the list of news titles with ease.

How can I use RSS Feeds?

To start using RSS feeds you will need to get a news aggreggator or reader. They come in many different forms, from web-based like online email (hotmail), to full-blown downloadable applications. RssOwl is a cross-platform, open-source option that most users can easily download and use. These applications, online or installed on your computer allow you to subscribe and read any rss/xml feed on the internet.

Once installed, or logged into your news reader, you will want to figure out which content you want to subscribe to. There are several ways to subscribe to rss feeds, it all depends on the reader. You can either drag the URL address into your news reader, or just copy and paste that link directly into your news reader.

Web browsers like Opera, Safari, and Mozilla's Firefox, all have built in functionality that will automatically recognize RSS feeds for you, and let you subscribe with a click of the mouse. Please check specific websites for more details concerning their RSS feeds and procedures.

Why should I use RSS feeds?

There are many different reasons why you should use RSS feeds, and how they can benefit you.

Where can I get a NewsReader?

There are many different variations of newsreaders for all different kinds of systems; from Commercial versions to Open Source versions. You can do a google search for specific readers. Click on the link below to a google search with results for news readers.

RSS Feeds

To subscribe to any of our feeds, either copy the links below into your news reader, or just point the reader at the link(s).

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