Family Policy Alliance of New Mexico

223 North Guadalupe Street, Suite 514
Santa Fe, NM


We're a public policy partner of Focus on the Family. And we're part of a vibrant national alliance of pro-family state groups. As a Christ-centered organization, our vision is a nation where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and life is cherished. We believe God's timeless design for the family is the strongest foundation for a free society. We equip and motivate Idahoans to cast their ballots and raise their voices in support of pro-family candidates and policies. We believe human life is sacred. We're all created in the image of God, so we respect and protect life, including preborn babies, the elderly and every other condition of the human experience through natural death. We believe the Founding Fathers got it right when they guaranteed the “free exercise of religion.” We protect the freedom of individuals, churches and businesses to speak and act according to their faith.


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