Local Voter Approval of Casino Bet Limits and Games in Black Hawk, Central City, and Cripple Creek

Colorado Ballot Measure - Amendment 77

Election: Nov. 3, 2020 (General)

Outcome: Passed


Gambling and Gaming


Amendment 77 proposes amending the Colorado Constitution and the
Colorado statutes to:

Allow voters in the three gaming cities -- Black Hawk, Central City, and
Cripple Creek -- to increase or remove current bet limits and approve any
new casino games in each city; and

Expand the current use of casino tax revenue for community colleges to
include student retention and completion programs.

A "yes" vote on Amendment 77 means that the voters of Black Hawk, Central City, and Cripple Creek will be allowed to increase or remove casino bet limits and approve new casino games to help fund community colleges.

A "no" vote on Amendment 77 means that current casino bet limits and games will remain in the constitution, and a statewide vote will continue to be required to make any changes to these restrictions.


Official Summary
