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John Barrasso's Public Statements on Issue: Animals and Wildlife


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. Senate (WY) - Sr

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Date Title
03/08/2024 Barrasso, Lummis: Keep Gray Wolf Management in Wyoming
03/15/2023 WY Delegation Blasts Biden Administration For Excluding Wyoming from Wildfire Defense Strategy
11/29/2022 Letter to Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, Minority Leader of the House - Risch, Simpson Lead Effort to Prohibit ESA Sage-Grouse Listing
05/18/2022 Letter to Gina Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce - Cruz, Senators Demand Commerce Secretary Stop Permitting Delays on Existing Oil and Gas Leases to Boost Production
05/09/2022 Letter to Martha Williams, Director of the US Fish and Wildlife Service - Expanding Sportsmen's Access to Hunting and Fishing Opportunities
02/15/2022 Letter to Martha Williams, Acting Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Randy Moore, Chief of the U.S. Forest Service - Romney Joins Colleagues in Urging Administration to Finalize Rule to Reverse Disastrous Cottonwood Decision
11/02/2021 Letter to Hon. Tom Carper, EPW Chair, and the Hon. Tammy Duckworth, Senator - Remove Yellowstone Grizzly from Endangered Species List
04/22/2021 Letter to Debra Haaland, Secretary of the Department of the Interior - Lummis, Senators to Interior Secretary Haaland: Follow the Science on Grizzly Bear Populations
03/31/2021 Barrasso: The Grizzly Bear is Fully Recovered
03/25/2021 Lummis Introduces Bill to Delist Grizzly Bears in Wyoming
03/11/2021 Barrasso: Representative Haaland's Policy Views and Lack of Substantive Answers Disqualify Her for this Important Job
02/24/2021 Ranking Member Barrasso Questions Haaland on Answering Letter to DOI, ESA, National Parks Access, & Jobs
11/20/2020 Letter to Hon. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader, Hon. Charles Schumer Senate Minority Leader, Hon. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, and Hon. Kevin McCarty, House Minority Leader - Sage-Grouse Conservation
09/23/2020 Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon Testifies Before the Senate on Endangered Species Act
09/23/2020 Hearing of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee - Opening Statement of Sen. Barrasso, Hearing on Modernizing the Endangered Species Act: Legislative Hearing on S. 4589, Endangered Species Act Amendments Act of 2020
09/17/2020 Senate Passes Bipartisan Wildlife Conservation Legislation
09/16/2020 Barrasso Introduces Legislation to Modernize & Strengthen the Endangered Species Act
09/09/2020 Hearing of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee - Opening Statement of Sen. Barrasso, Hearing on Successful State Stewardship: A Legislative Hearing to Examine S.614, the Grizzly Bear State Management Act
09/09/2020 Wyoming Game and Fish Department Testifies Before Senate on Grizzly Bear Management
07/31/2020 Barrasso Applauds Trump Administration's Proposed Rule to Define Habitat under ESA
07/22/2020 Hearing of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee - Opening Statement of Sen. Barrasso, Hearing on Stopping the Spread: Examining the Increased Risk of Zoonotic Disease from Illegal Wildlife Trafficking
07/08/2020 Barrasso Statement on Federal Court Decision to Place Grizzly Bear Back on ESA List in Wyoming
01/10/2020 Tweet - "Last night, the Senate passed important bipartisan legislation to protect our wildlife. The ACE Act will help states and tribes partner with Washington on conservation efforts."
12/18/2019 Congress Passes Platte River Recovery Implementation Program Extension Act

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