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Tammy Baldwin's Public Statements on Issue: Technology and Communication


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (WI) - Jr

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Date Title
04/20/2024 Senator Baldwin’s Statement on FISA Reauthorization Bill
01/12/2024 Baldwin Brings Home $1.5 Million for Wildfire Research
01/03/2024 Senator Baldwin Calls on Biden Administration to Approve Wisconsin's Broadband Expansion Plan and Make Additional Federal Investments Available for Families and Businesses
09/13/2023 Baldwin, Cornyn Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Protect American Businesses' Intellectual Property from Foreign Theft
09/05/2023 Baldwin Calls on Biden Administration to Bring Tech Hub to Wisconsin
08/30/2023 Baldwin Highlights Support for Bringing Tech Hub to Wisconsin with Stops in Madison and Milwaukee
08/16/2023 Senator Baldwin Backs Wisconsin's Application for a Regional Tech Hub, Calls on Biden Administration to Deliver Hub for Wisconsin
07/27/2023 Baldwin, Cornyn Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Protect American Businesses' Intellectual Property from Foreign Theft
07/27/2023 Baldwin's Legislation to Increase Transparency Online Advances with Bipartisan Support
06/05/2023 Baldwin Successfully "Badgers the FCC" to Improve Broadband Map
05/17/2023 Baldwin, Bipartisan Group of Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Keep AM Radio Available in New Vehicles
05/04/2023 Baldwin Joins Colleagues in Introducing Comprehensive Legislation to Protect Kids Online
05/03/2023 Baldwin, Vance Lead Bipartisan Legislation to Increase Transparency Online and Support Made in USA Products
02/14/2023 Letter to Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta - SFRC Chairman Menendez Leads Colleagues in Urging Meta to Confront Drug Trafficking, Human Smuggling on Platforms
11/03/2022 Tweet - "We are getting the job done for rural communities in need of affordable, high-speed internet. Now, 140,000 Wisconsin small businesses and families will be connected to reliable high-speed internet broadband."
11/01/2022 Tweet - "Every home & business deserves access to high-speed broadband, no matter where they are located. I voted for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law because it is helping make that a reality by connecting rural residents in Wisconsin with high-speed internet."
10/31/2022 Tweet - "Great to be in Rock County to celebrate the public-private partnership that is making investments to expand high-speed internet access to communities so we close the digital divide for small businesses, farmers, students, and families."
10/11/2022 Tweet - "The American Rescue Plan is delivering results for Wisconsin with $40 Million in federal funding to connect families, students, small businesses, and farmers with affordable, reliable, high-speed internet services."
10/04/2022 Letter to Jessica Rosenworcel, Chair of the Federal Communications Commission - Bennet, Hickenlooper, Colleagues Push the FCC to Increase Broadband Speed and Access
09/06/2022 U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin's Go Pack Go Act Makes Sure All Wisconsinites Can Watch Packers Game Broadcasts
08/09/2022 Senators Baldwin and Ernst Reintroduce Bipartisan Legislation to Protect and Expand Rural Internet Access
06/21/2022 Letter to Chuck Schumer, Senate Majority Leader, and Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House - Securing Additional Funding to Protect Student Internet Access
05/31/2022 Letter to Chair Cantwell, Chair Johnson, Ranking Member Wicker, and Ranking Member Lucas - Romney, Durbin Lead Call for Robust Research Funding in Final Competition Bill
05/20/2022 Tweet - "Data companies need to stop collecting and selling the location data of people who visit reproductive health care clinics."

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