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Dusty Johnson's Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (SD) - At-Large


Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test.

Inferred Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, but Vote Smart inferred this issue based on the candidate's public record, including statements, voting record, and special interest group endorsements.

Unknown Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, or we could not infer an answer for this candidate despite exhaustive research of their public record.

Additional Information: Click on this icon to reveal more information about this candidate's position, from their answers or Vote Smart's research.

Other or Expanded Principles & Legislative Priorities are entered exactly as candidates submit them. Vote Smart does not edit for misspelled words, punctuation or grammar.

Candidates who qualify for the General Election will be invited to take the 2024 Political Courage Test.

What is the Political Courage Test?

Issue Positions

For Presidential and Congressional candidates who refuse to provide voters with their positions, Vote Smart has researched their public records to determine their likely responses. These issue positions are from 2022.

  • Voted in favor of HR 26: "Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act" (
  • Rated 100% by National Right to Life Committee (
  • "The #HydeAmendment prevents the use of taxpayer dollars for abortion. Today – for the first time in 40 years – it was not included in the proposed HHS spending bill. It’s not right & I’ll continue to fight to get it included in any appropriations bill Congress may pass this year." (
  • "I’ve never believed the Roe v. Wade decision – which was ultimately a personal privacy case – was a justification to take a human life. The unborn deserve protection." (
  • ""I was proud to receive an A+ pro-life rating from the Susan B. Anthony List," said Johnson. "Life is an inalienable right and deserves to be protected."" (
  • Rated 0% by Planned Parenthood Action Fund (
  • ""Science and data matters, and the science tells us that unborn babies feel pain and can survive out of the womb at 20 weeks," said Johnson. "We are no longer living in uninformed times and medical advancements should be taken seriously -- the medicine tells us late-term abortions are inhumane. I am proud to champion legislation to prevent further tragedy from happening to the lives of innocent unborn babies."" (
  • Voted against HR 3755 - Women's Health Protection Act of 2021 (
  • Voted against HR 3755 - Women's Health Protection Act of 2021 (
  • "I was proud to receive an A+ pro-life rating from the Susan B. Anthony List, said Johnson. "Life is an inalienable right and deserves to be protected." (
  • "Science and data matters, and the science tells us that unborn babies feel pain and can survive out of the womb at 20 weeks, said Johnson. "We are no longer living in uninformed times and medical advancements should be taken seriously -- the medicine tells us late-term abortions are inhumane. I am proud to champion legislation to prevent further tragedy from happening to the lives of innocent unborn babies." (
  • Rated 8% by Alliance for Retired Americans (
  • Rated 0% by National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (
  • Signed Letter to Administrator Verma: "Millions of seniors depend on Medicare Advantage plans to provide comprehensive, affordable health care as they age. In 2020, average premiums are expected to decline by 14 percent to their lowest point in the last 13 years while enrollment is projected to increase to more than 24 million.[2] Further, the average number of plan choices has continued to increase; in 2020, 93 percent of individuals on Medicare have access to a Medicare Advantage plan that includes prescription drug coverage for no additional premium.[3]" (
  • Rated 10% by Alliance for Retired Americans. (
  • Voted against S 610 - Protecting Medicare and American Farmers from Sequester Cuts Act (
  • "#HR1 is full of flaws, but what’s most startling is the billions of #taxpayer dollars that would go towards political campaigns. The American people should not be forced to foot the bill for TV political ads of candidates they don’t agree with." (
  • Voted against HR 1 - For the People Act of 2021 - (
  • Rated 7% by Common Cause. (
  • "#HR1 is another impractical proposal by my Democrat colleagues. But of all the ridiculous proposals included in #HR1, I find this the most troubling: Millions of your taxpayer dollars would go directly towards politicians’ campaigns, including those you can’t stand. #NoThanks" (
  • #HR1 is another impractical proposal by my Democrat colleagues. But of all the ridiculous proposals included in #HR1, I find this the most troubling: Millions of your taxpayer dollars would go directly towards politicians’ campaigns, including those you can’t stand. #NoThanks (
  • #HR1 is full of flaws, but what’s most startling is the billions of #taxpayer dollars that would go towards political campaigns. The American people should not be forced to foot the bill for TV political ads of candidates they don’t agree with. (
  • Voted in favor of HR 7900: "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 4365: "Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2024" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 2670: "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024" (
  • "The annual defense bill is full of conservative victories for servicemembers and strengthening our national security, keeping our troops focused on military readiness." (
  • ""I'm thrilled that my amendment was added to the House of Representatives' annual defense bill," said Johnson. "This amendment will enable the Department of Defense to refine its weapon systems investments and save the taxpayers money while still accomplishing the mission. I am thankful to Congressman Vela and Congressman Wilson for partnering with me on this important measure."" (
  • "Our nation’s military should never swing in the balance. My legislation helps streamline defense acquisition efforts, and I’m grateful it was included in the bipartisan and bicameral #NDAA reauthorization." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 6395 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2021 (
  • Voted in favor of S 1605 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 - (
  • "Our nation’s military should never swing in the balance. My legislation helps streamline defense acquisition efforts, and I’m grateful it was included in the bipartisan and bicameral #NDAA reauthorization." (
  • "I'm thrilled that my amendment was added to the House of Representatives' annual defense bill, said Johnson. "This amendment will enable the Department of Defense to refine its weapon systems investments and save the taxpayers money while still accomplishing the mission. I am thankful to Congressman Vela and Congressman Wilson for partnering with me on this important measure." (
  • "Investing in infrastructure is incredibly important for our country, but we want to make sure those investments are targeted and worthwhile. As a member of the @TransportGOP Committee, I’m proud of our comprehensive infrastructure proposal – the STARTER Act 2.0." (
  • Rated 91% by Council for Citizens Against Government Waste. (
  • Voted against HR 5376 - Build Back Better Act (
  • "Investment in our children & infrastructure don’t need to be partisan. @POTUS, if you’re serious about working together & passing bipartisan legislation, your proposals can’t all start with a "T." Let’s get serious on prescription drug pricing, infrastructure, & job creation." (
  • "Investing in infrastructure is incredibly important for our country, but we want to make sure those investments are targeted and worthwhile. As a member of the @TransportGOP Committee, I’m proud of our comprehensive infrastructure proposal – the STARTER Act 2.0." (
  • "Investment in our children & infrastructure don’t need to be partisan. @POTUS, if you’re serious about working together & passing bipartisan legislation, your proposals can’t all start with a “T.” Let’s get serious on prescription drug pricing, infrastructure, & job creation." (
  • Voted against HR 5376 - Build Back Better Act (
  • ""More than 20,000 South Dakota small businesses have utilized the Paycheck Protection Program," said Johnson. "After hearing from local business owners, we discovered ways to improve the program and fix it where it fell short. I'm proud to support these changes, and I'm glad the House passed this important piece of legislation."" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 6201 - Families First Coronavirus Response Act - (
  • Voted in favor of HR 925 - The Heroes Act - (
  • "More than 20,000 South Dakota small businesses have utilized the Paycheck Protection Program, said Johnson. "After hearing from local business owners, we discovered ways to improve the program and fix it where it fell short. I'm proud to support these changes, and I'm glad the House passed this important piece of legislation." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 6201 - Families First Coronavirus Response Act (
  • Voted in favor of HR 925 - The Heroes Act (
  • Voted against HR 5376: "Inflation Reduction Act of 2022" (
  • "This week’s 8.5% inflation report is a resounding alarm the Left continues to ignore. Americans are facing record-high inflation – more spending is not the answer." (
  • "It is baffling how much money this administration is willing to print, even amid record high inflation. The rumors of student loan forgiveness should alarm us all. It could make inflation worse." (
  • "Inflation! The cost of goods are rising– from coffee to gas –you pay the price when fed spending is out of control." (
  • “Congress should turn its focus to solutions that will solve the supply chain crisis, increase domestic energy production, and get workforce participation back to pre-pandemic levels. The majority of South Dakotans are feeling the pressure of inflation every time they have to take out their wallet. The alarm bells have been going off for a long time – it’s time to listen.” (
  • "In the last two years alone, I've opposed nearly $10 trillion in government spending." (
  • "Secondly, inflation is higher than it has been at any point in the last 40 years -- that's a long time. Because we have a federal government that continues to spend. I'll continue to vote against trillion-dollar package after trillion-dollar package. We're thirty trillion dollars in debt. President Biden should focus on needs as a country rather than on wants. Rising prices due to inflation have only increased more due to shortages from the supply chain delays. I'm sure many of you have run into issues trying to buy lumber, your favorite items from the grocery store, or furniture for your home. While supply chain disruptions have mostly been caused by COVID-19, the President's administration has not enough steps to reduce the backlogs at American ports." (
  • Voted against HR 5376 "Inflation Reduction Act of 2022" (
  • Rated 0% by National Education Association (
  • "Some Members calling for student loans to be cancelled have a combined loan debt of $1.8 million. That’s a conflict of interest. I signed onto the ‘Can’t Cancel Your Own Debt Act’ to prevent Congress from implementing bills that let members off the hook for personal debts." (
  • "President Biden’s move to cancel student loan debt is unconstitutional and illegal." (
  • "It is baffling how much money this administration is willing to print, even amid record high inflation. The rumors of student loan forgiveness should alarm us all. It could make inflation worse." (
  • "The administration’s willingness to spend, spend, spend is baffling – President Biden is making inflation worse with every stroke of his pen." - (
  • "This decision is a slap in the face to the millions of Americans who did the right thing and paid off the student debt they willingly took on," said Johnson. "Where is their $10,000 free pass? The administration's willingness to spend, spend, spend is baffling -- President Biden is making inflation worse with every stroke of his pen. Congress should focus on long-term solutions to the high cost of education. This is nothing more than a political giveaway as Democrats look down the barrel of a Republican majority come November." (
  • Voted against HR 5746: "Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act" (
  • Voted against HR 4: "John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021" (
  • Rated 11% by Common Cause (
  • "Sunday night, New York City passed a law that will allow noncitizens (green card holders and DACA recipients) the right to vote in municipal elections. More than 800,000 noncitizens will now be eligible to vote. This is a serious mistake." - (
  • Voted against HR 5746 "Freedom to VoteL John R. Lewis Act" (
  • Voted against HR 4447: "Expanding Access to Sustainable Energy Act of 2019" (
  • Rated 0% by League of Conservation Voters (
  • "Today the Senate will vote on the #GreenNewDeal. We must protect the environment, but the #GND is the wrong approach. Technology has helped US #energy-related carbon emissions fall faster than any other nation. We don’t need a $93T price tag and we don’t need to ban cows." (
  • "The Biden Admin is ramping up their efforts to finalize their climate agenda before the end of Biden’s term – but the agenda cuts American energy production, increases reliance on China, & puts burdensome regulations on our manufacturing. I’m working to push back against it" (
  • "I support an all-of-the-above approach to energy independence using all forms of American energy including wind, nuclear, solar, biofuels, oil, natural gas, and other traditional fuels to bolster our supplies. Increasing the use of all energy sources not only reduces our reliance on foreign oil and lowers costs for working families, but also safeguards our environment by producing it under our terms. Our country had made tremendous strides in the amount of energy we are producing domestically -- President Biden has set us back." (
  • Voted against HR 4447 "Expanding Access to Sustainable Energy Act of 2019." (
  • "I joined @cathymcmorris to cosponsor the American Energy Independence from Russia Act to immediately approve the Keystone XL Pipeline, resume permitting of energy & mineral development on Federal lands and waters, & boost natural gas production in the U.S." (
  • "Congress should not sit on the sidelines while the intent of the Renewable Fuel Standard is being abused and manipulated. The #RFSIntegrityAct adds accountability and transparency to the EPA Small Refinery Exemption process – something we should all agree upon." (
  • Rated 100% by Independent Petroleum Association of America. (
  • Signed Letter to President Biden: "If your Administration makes the unprecedented move to reopen the finalized 2020 RVO, and strip the demand for billions of gallons, the industry will certainly be devastated. As you stated, "Lip service won't make up for nearly four years of retroactive damage that's decimated our trade economy and forced ethanol plants to shutter." If these rumors are correct, demand for over 5 billion gallons of renewable, clean fuels will be lost. Biofuels production is a major piece of the rural economy in our districts, therefore, we strongly urge you to direct your EPA to reconsider the rule to ensure that your Administration makes good on these promises to "fight for family farmers and revitalize rural economies… by ushering in a new era of biofuels." Both oil refiners and ethanol refiners were hurt by decreased demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and while we hope that markets will continue to rebound, it is now more important than ever to uphold the law and ensure our domestic biofuels producers have certainty through fulfilling the statutory obligation of 15 billion gallons of conventional ethanol, annually, along with a strong overall RVO." (
  • Voted agaisnt HR 9 "Climate Action Now Act." (
  • "Congress should not sit on the sidelines while the intent of the Renewable Fuel Standard is being abused and manipulated. The #RFSIntegrityAct adds accountability and transparency to the EPA Small Refinery Exemption process – something we should all agree upon." (
  • Signed Letter to President Biden: "If your Administration makes the unprecedented move to reopen the finalized 2020 RVO, and strip the demand for billions of gallons, the industry will certainly be devastated. As you stated, "Lip service won't make up for nearly four years of retroactive damage that's decimated our trade economy and forced ethanol plants to shutter." If these rumors are correct, demand for over 5 billion gallons of renewable, clean fuels will be lost. Biofuels production is a major piece of the rural economy in our districts, therefore, we strongly urge you to direct your EPA to reconsider the rule to ensure that your Administration makes good on these promises to "fight for family farmers and revitalize rural economies… by ushering in a new era of biofuels." Both oil refiners and ethanol refiners were hurt by decreased demand due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and while we hope that markets will continue to rebound, it is now more important than ever to uphold the law and ensure our domestic biofuels producers have certainty through fulfilling the statutory obligation of 15 billion gallons of conventional ethanol, annually, along with a strong overall RVO." (
  • Voted against HR 9 "Climate Action Now Act." (
  • Day 6 - South Dakota is home to thousands of responsible sportsmen and gun owners - that's why Dusty opposed gun control legislation that would make it a federal crime to loan a hunting shotgun to a friend. (
  • Rated 92% by National Rifle Association (NRA) (
  • Voted against HR 1446 - Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021 - (
  • "Day 6 - South Dakota is home to thousands of responsible sportsmen and gun owners - that's why Dusty opposed gun control legislation that would make it a federal crime to loan a hunting shotgun to a friend." (
  • "This massive spending package undermines work, further strains Medicare, and according to the CBO, isn’t paid for. I will be voting no." - (
  • Voted in favor of HR 6201 "Families First Coronavirus Response Act" (
  • "As a lead cosponsor of H.R. 19 – a bill focused on slashing the cost of prescriptions for patients –" Cosponsor of bill; (
  • "The patient got the win this week – I'll keep fighting for lower prescription costs for all Americans." - (
  • "There are a number of solutions to solving our prescription drug pricing problem and the administration's actions are a solid start. As a lead cosponsor of H.R. 19 -- a bill focused on slashing the cost of prescriptions for patients -- I know there is more Congress can do. H.R. 19 would end the abuses of our drug patent system, cap seniors' out-of-pocket drug expenses, and increase drug pricing transparency both in the doctor's office and at the pharmacy." (
  • Voted against HR 6833 "The Affordable Insulin Now Act" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 5525: "Continuing Appropriations and Border Security Enhancement Act, 2024" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 2: "Secure the Border Act of 2023" (
  • Rated 89% by NumbersUSA (
  • "Enough is enough. With 84 votes, the Senate passed a much-needed #bipartisan border bill. @realDonaldTrump will sign it. I don't understand why my colleagues would reject my motion to bring it to the floor when we have a #border crisis that is out of control." (
  • "Congress already approved this funding, and this ongoing crisis has proven there is no reason to further delay – it's time to resume construction." (
  • "I've always been a believer in border security. A wall is a key part of that but it's only a part. We clearly need more wall, better wall at the southern border. We also need to be employing better technology," Johnson said." - (
  • Rated 92% by NumbersUSA. (
  • Voted against HR 1333 - NO BAN Act - (
  • Voted against HR 6 - American Dream and Promise Act of 2021 - (
  • "We are a nation of laws. Any discussion of immigration should start with border security. Illegal immigration imposes serious costs on our nation, and we need to use a strong combination of walls, professional law-enforcement, and technology (like E-Verify) to combat this problem. When done properly, legal immigration can be a tremendous benefit to our country. I like much of what the President has proposed with regard to chain migration and moving toward a merit-based immigration system." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 7108: "Suspending Normal Trade Relations with Russia and Belarus Act" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 6968: "Suspending Energy Imports from Russia Act" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 6126: "Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 340: "Hamas International Financing Prevention Act" (
  • "I was proud to support a House resolution calling for the full withdrawal of Russian forces from Ukraine. The Ukrainian people deserve their sovereignty and Putin deserves unrelenting sanctions." (
  • "This was President Biden's first major point in his State of the Union address. He spoke of increased sanctions on Russia and Russian oligarchs and closing off American airspace to all Russian flights, further cutting off Putin and the Russians off from the rest of the world and the global economy. We must continue to support Ukraine by escalating our economic response with unrelenting sanctions. The U.S. should set its sights on bringing back the energy independence we gained during the last administration. Putin should reap the consequences for what he's done." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 4695 "Protect Against Conflict by Turkey (PACT) Act" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 6968 "Suspending Energy Imports from Russia Act" (
  • Voted in favor of S 3522 "Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022" (
  • "Increasing taxes and retail prices for hard-working Americans will only make it harder for families to make ends meet." (
  • Voted against HR 5377 "Restoring Tax Fairness for States and Localities Act" (
  • "For over a year @realDonaldTrump & members of Congress have been laser focused on passing the #USMCA. I was proud to vote in support of a 21st century #trade agreement, which will grow our economy by $68 billion & add 176,000 new jobs. Congrats America, this is a great deal." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 5430 "United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 7108 - Suspending Normal Trade Relations with Russia and Belarus Act (

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