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Tony Gonzales' Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


On The Ballot: Running, Republican for U.S. House (TX) - District 23


Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test.

Inferred Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, but Vote Smart inferred this issue based on the candidate's public record, including statements, voting record, and special interest group endorsements.

Unknown Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, or we could not infer an answer for this candidate despite exhaustive research of their public record.

Additional Information: Click on this icon to reveal more information about this candidate's position, from their answers or Vote Smart's research.

Other or Expanded Principles & Legislative Priorities are entered exactly as candidates submit them. Vote Smart does not edit for misspelled words, punctuation or grammar.

Candidates who qualify for the General Election will be invited to take the 2024 Political Courage Test.

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Issue Positions

For Presidential and Congressional candidates who refuse to provide voters with their positions, Vote Smart has researched their public records to determine their likely responses. These issue positions are from 2024.

  • "Tony is a Christian and a father of six children. He is 100% pro-life and opposes efforts to use federal tax dollars to fund abortion. Tony has also written legislation to improve the foster care system to prevent any child from falling through the cracks." (
  • "In the 49 years since the Roe v. Wade decision, 62M unborn children have been deprived of the right to life. Today, SCOTUS made a decision to protect innocent lives and stand up for the unborn." (
  • "Today marks the anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. In the 49 years since, 62 million unborn children have been deprived of their right to life. This anniversary is a reminder of the work we have left to do and to never stop fighting for God’s children - born & unborn." (
  • Rated 100% by National Right to Life Committee (None)
  • Rated 10% by Alliance for Retired Americans (None)
  • Voted against S 610 "Protecting Medicare and American Farmers from Sequester Cuts Act." (
  • "The U.S. is officially in a recession. This comes as no surprise for any American that has been paying more for just about everything thanks to out of control Democrat spending and tax hikes." (
  • "I will be a NO on the Democrats’ reconciliation bill they are bringing to the House floor today. Their out-of-touch bill will hike taxes and create more jobs at the IRS, all while making inflation worse." (
  • "President Biden’s push for higher taxes and more spending is hurting our economy and crushing our job creators." (
  • "When the Left’s tax and spend agenda fails, their solution is to tax and spend. When that fails, more of the same. The only change they make is who they blame for the failures." (
  • "The U.S. is officially in a recession. This comes as no surprise for any American that has been paying more for just about everything thanks to out of control Democrat spending and tax hikes." (
  • "I will be a NO on the Democrats’ reconciliation bill they are bringing to the House floor today. Their out-of-touch bill will hike taxes and create more jobs at the IRS, all while making inflation worse." (
  • "President Biden’s push for higher taxes and more spending is hurting our economy and crushing our job creators." (
  • "When the Left’s tax and spend agenda fails, their solution is to tax and spend. When that fails, more of the same. The only change they make is who they blame for the failures." (
  • "HR1 would be a disaster and severely undermine faith in our elections. Not to mention how strange it is that the "For the People Act" is actually a bill that gives the people's money to the politicians by setting up taxpayer-funded political campaigns." (
  • "We need to distribute vaccines, secure the border, get the economy booming, and defend U.S. energy. Yet this week House Democrats want to use your tax dollars to fund political campaigns." (
  • Voted against HR 1 "For the People Act of 2021." (
  • Voted against HR 1280 "George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021." (
  • "Americans deserve to feel safe in their homes, schools, and communities. For too long, Biden has allowed crime to spiral out of control, putting lives at risk. I will always support our men and women in blue and OPPOSE efforts to defund the police." (
  • "I am proud to sign the #TexasBacksTheBlue pledge! The men and women of law enforcement know I will always have their back in Congress and that’s why I am proud to be endorsed by the @SAPoliceAssn. I am so thankful for everything they do to keep the rest of us safe." (
  • Voted in favor of S 1605 "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022" (None)
  • "Now more than ever, our national security is of the utmost importance, as we see a rise in cyber-attacks, fallout from the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan and threats from the Taliban, China, Russia, and Iran," said Congressman Gonzales. "This year's NDAA provides provisions to strengthen our national defense, supplies our military with the means to defend our country and supports our servicemembers and their families through improved resources." (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 2670: "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 7900 "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023." (
  • Voted against HR 3684 "Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act." (
  • "America's infrastructure needs improvement, but financing the investment with major tax hikes is the wrong approach. I will not support any legislation that hurts working families in Texas." (
  • "When President Biden took office, inflation was at just over 1%. Now, consumer prices have RISEN over 17%. Americans are footing the bill for the Biden administration's reckless tax and spending spree." (
  • "The "Inflation Reduction Act" does anything but reduce inflation. Instead, it will raise taxes on middle-class workers. Democrats need to realize that their policies are hurting Americans." (
  • "Started off the morning at a roundtable with the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. Last year, I secured $2M for the San Antonio Housing Authority to ensure families have access to quality housing. In Congress, I will always work to deliver results for my community." (
  • "I am excited to announce that I have secured $1 million through my work in appropriations for Tiny Homes for Veterans. These funds will go towards a better quality of life and high-quality housing for thousands of veterans who have bravely served our country." (
  • "I am proud to announce USDA Rural Development has approved $220,000 in Housing Preservation Grants to perform critical home repairs for approximately 20 homes in rural areas across #TX23. These renovations will improve quality of life for many residents" (
  • "Today the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, Housing and Urban Development voted to advance the bill to a full committee markup including 3 BIG wins for #TX23: $5M for a bridge in Eagle Pass. $4M for a street in San Antonio. $2M for San Antonio Housing Authority" (
  • "I will be a NO on the Democrats’ reconciliation bill they are bringing to the House floor today. Their out-of-touch bill will hike taxes and create more jobs at the IRS, all while making inflation worse." (
  • "The "Inflation Reduction Act" does anything but reduce inflation. Instead, it will raise taxes on middle-class workers. Democrats need to realize that their policies are hurting Americans." (
  • "When President Biden took office, inflation was at just over 1%. Now, consumer prices have RISEN over 17%. Americans are footing the bill for the Biden administration's reckless tax and spending spree." (
  • "Student loan "cancellation" is only a transferal of debt and bad policy onto hard working Americans." (
  • "Student loans cannot just be "forgiven". Americans who chose to enter the workforce instead of getting a degree are now paying for their neighbors to go to college." (
  • Voted against H.R. 5746: "Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act" (
  • "Fraud and integrity in our elections should not be on the back burner now that the election is behind us." (
  • Voted against H.R. 4: "John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021" (
  • Rated 17% by League of Conservation Voters (None)
  • "It now costs $125 to fill up your truck in Del Rio, Texas. In other parts of the state, there’s untapped reservoirs of oil and gas that the Biden Administration is ignoring. We need to unleash American energy NOW." (
  • "We’ve got the resources right here in Texas to fuel our nation and the world with reliable American energy – there’s no excuse for the Biden administration to drain our reserves and beg power-hungry dictators for oil." (
  • Rated 100% by American Energy Alliance (None)
  • "We need to buy American oil. Not Iranian, not Venezuelan - American. Unleash American energy." (
  • "I had the chance to speak with Rodney from Devine on rising prices at the pump during my telephone townhall. I couldn’t agree more – with an abundance of oil right in our backyards, this Admin needs to turn the pumps all the way on." (
  • "It now costs $125 to fill up your truck in Del Rio, Texas. In other parts of the state, there’s untapped reservoirs of oil and gas that the Biden Administration is ignoring. We need to unleash American energy NOW." (
  • "We’ve got the resources right here in Texas to fuel our nation and the world with reliable American energy – there’s no excuse for the Biden administration to drain our reserves and beg power-hungry dictators for oil." (
  • "The people of #TX23 support the Second Amendment, and so do I. I will always fight against gun grabs from Democrats in Congress." (
  • "I am a proud defender of the Second Amendment. As I head into my second year in office, I will continue to support legislation in Congress that does just that." (
  • "I just voted YES on the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. This bill is an important step in healing and saving thousands of lives while protecting the Second Amendment." (
  • "Tony is a strong supporter of Americans’ Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms." (
  • "Medicare for All is a government takeover of your healthcare. The Left would hike taxes on the middle class who in return would get lower quality care." (
  • "Radicals like Gina Jones want government controlled health care with NO patient choice at a HIGHER cost. Texas families deserve better — that’s why I will fight for quality care and always back preexisting conditions. For me, healthcare is personal. And I know it is for you too." (
  • Despite exhaustive research, Vote Smart was unable to find information about this candidate's position.
  • Voted against H.R. 6833: "The Affordable Insulin Now Act" (
  • "It’s critical for the U.S. and Central America to partner on border security and stop mass migration. I will continue to work with anyone who will help put an end to our border crisis." (
  • "As the representative of the largest border district in the country, Tony is taking charge to deal with the fallout of the Biden border crisis. He is leading the effort to label Mexican drug cartels as terrorists organizations and implement tougher penalties on drug dealers and human smugglers." (
  • "For the sake of our national security, Washington must put politics aside & deliver on policy solutions that fix this border crisis once and for all." (
  • Rated 75% by NumbersUSA (None)
  • "Nothing is free. Someone is having to pay for these thousands of illegal immigrants. It is not the federal government, it is the local municipalities that are having to unfairly handle the burden." (
  • "Eagle Pass is a key hub for trade in the United States. When commercial operations at our ports slow down, our economy suffers. We must put a stop to illegal immigration so that trade can continue to flourish." (
  • "End catch-and-release" (
  • Rated 75% by NumbersUSA (None)
  • Voted in favor of HR 6968: "Suspending Energy Imports from Russia Act" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 340: "Hamas International Financing Prevention Act" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 5691: "Making emergency supplemental appropriations for assistance for the situation in Ukraine for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes." (
  • Voted in favor of HR 7108: "Suspending Normal Trade Relations with Russia and Belarus Act" (
  • Voted in favor of HR 5691: "Making emergency supplemental appropriations for assistance for the situation in Ukraine for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes." (
  • "As Americans, we stand on the side of freedom. Ukraine deserves our full support in their fight for democracy against Russia’s unjustified attacks so that other bad actors don’t follow suit." (
  • Voted against HR 6833: "Continuing Appropriations and Ukraine Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2023" (
  • Voted in favor of S 3522: "Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022" (
  • "Putting Americans first means committing to protecting personal freedoms. House Republicans have a plan to give parents a voice in schools, improve healthcare, and demand fairness from big tech." (
  • "Congress needs to do its job! I would absolutely get behind a measure focused on election integrity, holding Big Tech accountable, and $2,000 stimulus checks. #TX23" (
  • "Free speech is key to saving America from the radical Left. That’s why they’re terrified of it & why they’ll keep pushing censorship.They got caught re: Twitter/laptop story. More needs to come out on Big Tech’s assault on free speech. Let’s get to work. We won’t be censored!" (
  • "Stand up to Big Tech" (

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