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Lori Trahan's Issue Positions (Political Courage Test)


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (MA) - District 3


Official Position: Candidate addressed this issue directly by taking the Political Courage Test.

Inferred Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, but Vote Smart inferred this issue based on the candidate's public record, including statements, voting record, and special interest group endorsements.

Unknown Position: Candidate refused to address this issue, or we could not infer an answer for this candidate despite exhaustive research of their public record.

Additional Information: Click on this icon to reveal more information about this candidate's position, from their answers or Vote Smart's research.

Other or Expanded Principles & Legislative Priorities are entered exactly as candidates submit them. Vote Smart does not edit for misspelled words, punctuation or grammar.

Candidates who qualify will be invited to take the 2024 Political Courage Test.

What is the Political Courage Test?

Issue Positions

For Presidential and Congressional candidates who refuse to provide voters with their positions, Vote Smart has researched their public records to determine their likely responses. These issue positions are from 2022.

  • Rated 100% by Planned Parenthood Action Fund (
  • "Today marks the 48th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. As we celebrate the access to reproductive health care guaranteed by #Roe, we must remain resolved in our efforts to strengthen women’s rights to make our own decisions about our bodies. We simply cannot leave it to the courts." (
  • "TODAY #SCOTUS is hearing a case that could turn back the clock on women’s reproductive rights. We can’t be silent when a woman’s right to choose is under threat. Roe v. Wade is the law of the land and it’s our job to ensure it’s in place for our daughters." (
  • "When the GOP applauded the overturn of Roe, they said abortion was a state issue. Now, they’re trying to pass a national abortion ban. They don’t actually care about women’s health care, they just want to take our rights away." (
  • "The #BuildBackBetter Act will deliver more jobs, cut taxes & lower costs — and we’re going to pay for it by making the wealthiest & corporations pay their fair share." (
  • "The #BuildBackBetter agenda will create new jobs, cut taxes for working families and lower out of pocket costs. We're going to pay for it by finally making the wealthiest & big corporations pay their fair share!" (
  • "When corporations & the wealthiest pay their fair share, our entire nation benefits. I'm grateful folks like @isimmons & @lieselpritzker recognize that the #BuildBackBetter Act doesn't punish anyone. It ensures that everyone can succeed in a stronger, more inclusive economy." (
  • "If the U.S. could afford to create Social Security during the Great Depression, we can afford to protect and expand it now. #SocSec84" (
  • Rated 100% by Alliance for Retired Americans (
  • Rated 100% by National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare (
  • "Social Security provides a foundation for seniors, survivors, & people with disabilities. That is why I'm proud to be an original cosponsor of the Social Security 2100 Act. We must protect this vital program for current retirees and future generations. #Secure2100 #ForThePeople" (
  • "80% of Americans think the influence of dark money in politics is growing. On the anniversary of End Citizens United, we must end pay-to-play politics. Let’s pass the #DemocracyForAll Amendment and #EndCitzensUnited once and for all." (
  • Rated 93% by Common Cause (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 1 "For the People Act of 2021" (
  • "George Floyd's murder forced many across the nation to wake up to the cruel reality that Black Americans know all too well - that racism and discrimination are not relics of the past. I voted for the #JusticeInPolicingAct not because we CAN improve our nation but because we MUST." (
  • "The #JusticeInPolicing Act = Banning chokeholds The #JusticeInPolicing Act = Banning no-knock warrants The #JusticeInPolicing Act = Ending qualified immunity The #JusticeInPolicing Act = Establishing a National Police Misconduct Registry We need the #JusticeInPolicing Act NOW" (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 1280 "George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2021" (
  • "Earlier today I spoke on the House Floor in support of the FY20 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This bill addresses many critical components of our national defense, including the urgent need to tackle sexual assault across the United States Military." (
  • Voted in favor of S 1605 "National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022" (
  • "@HouseDemocrats are working to create jobs, lower costs & make the wealthy pay their fair share while cutting taxes for average Americans.That’s what it means to #BuildBackBetter for working families & the middle class." (
  • "The #AmericanRescuePlan raised wages, lowered unemployment, got shots in arms & put money in pockets. We’re going to build on that progress by making unprecedented investments that create jobs & support families. That’s how we come out of this pandemic stronger than ever." (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 2 "Moving Forward Act" (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 5376 "Build Back Better Act" (
  • "The #BuildBackBetter Act will deliver more jobs, cut taxes & lower costs — and we’re going to pay for it by making the wealthiest & corporations pay their fair share." (
  • "The #BuildBackBetter agenda will create new jobs, cut taxes for working families and lower out of pocket costs. We're going to pay for it by finally making the wealthiest & big corporations pay their fair share!" (
  • "When corporations & the wealthiest pay their fair share, our entire nation benefits. I'm grateful folks like @isimmons & @lieselpritzker recognize that the #BuildBackBetter Act doesn't punish anyone. It ensures that everyone can succeed in a stronger, more inclusive economy." (
  • "President Trump and Mitch McConnell are throwing a party at the White House tonight while millions of American families are on the brink of being evicted or going hungry. The Senate needs to treat substantive #COVID relief with the same urgency they do a SCOTUS vacancy." (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 1319 "American Rescue Plan Act of 2021" (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 266 "Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act" (
  • "Investing in child care centers & early education providers will get moms back to work. That’s exactly what the #BuildBackBetter Act will deliver!" (
  • "Lori Trahan believes that every child regardless of his or her background should have access to a quality public education. We need to look at educational opportunity for our children by helping to provide schools and teachers with every tool and resource that students in the 21st century need to succeed." (
  • Rated 100% by National Education Association (
  • "I joined 160 of my colleagues to say: We need clean energy tax policies. For the sake of our future, we must take every opportunity we can to promote clean energy. It's time to #ActOnClimate." (
  • Rated 95% by League of Conservation Voters (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 4447 "Expanding Access to Sustainable Energy Act of 2019" (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 9 "Climate Action Now Act" (
  • "Lori will work towards aligning the United States with international consensus and impose strict regulations on greenhouse gas emissions. Lori believes it is well past time that the United States and our Environmental Protection Agency stand with the international scientific community and let their comprehensive knowledge of climate change patterns inform our own environmental policy." (
  • Rated 95% by League of Conservation Voters (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 9 "Climate Action Now Act" (
  • "Calling for action on basic gun safety legislation after 19 children and 2 teachers were murdered yesterday is not political. Prayers don’t cut it when you’re in a position to stop gun violence and choose not to. We need Republicans to step up and protect our kids and teachers." (
  • "NEWS: I was officially added as a cosponsor of #HR8, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021! I support this legislation because although news cycles move on, the scourge of gun violence and the damage it does to families doesn’t. It’s long past time to make this bill law!" (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 1446 "Enhanced Background Checks Act of 2021" (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 8 "Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2021" (
  • "REMINDER: The Supreme Court is hearing arguments from Republican officials who want to eliminate the ACA -- a disastrous decision that would eliminate protections for 130 million Americans with pre-existing conditions. We should be building on the ACA, not eliminating it." (
  • "The #ACA is here to stay! This major win means 20 million+ Americans will keep their coverage! But we can't stop now, because the repeal attempts won't either. We need to build on this progress to make high quality health care accessible and more affordable for every American!" (
  • "The Administration is trying to tear apart the United States health care system by going to court to eliminate the Affordable Care Act in its entirety. We can't let that happen." (
  • "More than 6.7 million jobs were created in 2021, making it the strongest year of job growth *ever* — but too many women have been left out of this recovery. We need reliable, affordable child care & paid leave to ensure women are supported as they return to work." (
  • "Pass and promote paid family and gender-neutral leave. Lori understands that we need to apply family leave programs to all genders. Each parent should enjoy an equal opportunity to bond with their child, care for their parent, or recover from illness." (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 6201 "Families First Coronavirus Response Act" (
  • "Diverting urgently-needed funding away from military construction projects that Congress has already authorized in order to build an ineffective, wasteful wall that won’t make our country any safer or our immigration system any less broken is a deeply flawed and reckless policy." (
  • "Let me be clear: The President is trying to divert money from other critical military projects that are underway to spend on a wasteful, ineffective wall. How does that make us safer? Totally unacceptable." (
  • Rated 0% by NumbersUSA (
  • "Bipartisan reform for DACA/ DREAMers. Lori believes it’s time members of Congress step across the aisle and work with their colleagues. Many DACA recipients and DREAMers were brought to the United States by their parents at very young ages, and have spent almost their entire lives within our borders. To send these people back to their countries of origin would be akin to dropping them in almost any foreign land where they are unfamiliar with the language or customs." (
  • "Promote naturalization and help clear a pathway to citizenship. Lori believes that comprehensive immigration reform starts with creating a fair and equal pathway to citizenship." (
  • Rated 0% by NumbersUSA (
  • "I oppose military intervention with Iran. The President must use this moment to exercise our diplomatic levers and de-escalate. Only Congress can declare war." (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 550 “No War Against Iran Act" (
  • "I just voted in favor of the War Powers Resolution on the House floor to limit further military engagement with Iran." (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 256 "To Repeal the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002" (
  • Voted in favor of S J Res 37 "Directing the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authroized by Congress" (
  • "Yesterday, America's longest war finally ended. We're forever indebted to our brave servicemembers who answered the call over the past two decades, including those who executed the largest airlift in U.S. history. Now, our work to get remaining allies to safety continues." (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 5430 "United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act" (
  • Voted in favor of H.R. 8351 "Formula Act" (

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