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Guy Rupert's Biography

Contact Information

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Full Name:

Guy Addison Rupert





Birth Date:


Birth Place:

Wyandotte, MI

Home City:

Lincoln Park, MI



BBA, Computer Information Systems, Davenport University, 1988, Grade Point Average of 3.1

ABA, General Management, Davenport University, 1986

Candidate, Michigan House of Representatives, District 14, 2008

Candidate, Michigan State Senate, District 8, 2006

Candidate, United States House of Representatives, Michigan, 1994

Precinct Delegate, Republican, 1982-1988

Support Technician, TechTeam Global, Incorporated, 1998-2002

Hospital Support, Horizon Health System, 1973-1997

Member, Wyandotte Power Squadron, 1982-present.


Oddly enough, I am proud of a humble award I have received three times from the Friends of Bacon Library for volunteer service to the Bacon Memorial District Library, Wyandotte, Michigan. During when computers came on line for internet service at the library, I was invited to tutor patrons to help them get started on the internet. I have received other recognitions from service organizations, but this is the best.

Father's Name:

George Harvey Rupert, Sr.

Father's Occupation:

Executive, Great Lakes Steel Division of National Steel Corporation. Deceased.

Favorite Author:

Mark Twain

Favorite President and Why:

Abraham Lincoln. He singlehandedly saved our country.

Favorite TV Shows:

All 3 'Law & Order' programs. All 3 CSI programs. Jay Leno.

Favorite Websites:

Drudge Report, World Net Daily, Debbie Schlussel, Town Hall

Hobbies or Special Talents:

Former yoga instructor. Some karate training. I know the Bible from having read it several times and from its continued reading of 20 chapters a week. I read from the King James Version.

Mother's Name:

Doris Victoria Rupert (maiden name: Aitkins)

Mother's Occupation:

Homemaker. Executive secretary, Ford Motor Company. Deceased.

Name one thing you would most like to do before you die:

Drive the Alaskan Highway.

Personal Hero and Why:

Jesus Christ. Being the Lord, we assume that He had nothing on the line when He may have had everything. We don't know if total rejection by the human race would have finished Him (and the Father, too). That remains a mystery. He assumed we were worth dying for when His life was given as a ransom for our transgressions against the Almighty God. Under threat of death, he declared His Kingdom.

Priority Issues:

Holding the line against expanded government. Using traditional energy sources, such as oil, coal, and nuclear power. Growing crops for food rather than for fuel. End embryonic research and end abortion.

Reason for Seeking Public Office:

It is the best way to express my ideas publicly.
