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Tom Begich's Biography

Contact Information

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Full Name:

Tom Begich




Wife: Sarah

Birth Date:


Birth Place:

Anchorage, AK

Home City:

Anchorage, AK

AA, University of Alaska Anchorage

Attended, Philosophy, Politics, and Economics, Lincoln College at Oxford, 1989-1990

BA, History, Bard College, 1980-1982

Minority Leader, Alaska State Senate, 2019-2023

Senator, Alaska State Senate, District J, 2017-2023

Candidate, Alaska State Senate, District J, 2020

Chair/Member, Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee, present

Former Member, Subcommittee on Corrections, Alaska State Senate

Former Coordinator, Mayor's Youth Crime and Anti-Gang Task Force, 2007-2009

Owner, CWCommunications/Research, 1982-present

Singer/Songwriter, Crazy World Records

Project Director, Reclaiming Futures, 2006-2007

Member, Coalition for Education Equity, present

Member, Mountain View Community Coalition, present

Trainer/Executive Director, Reclaiming Futures, present

Member, Reclaiming Futures, present

Member, Turnagain Point, present

Former Chair, DMC Initiative

Former Chair, National Coalition for Juvenile Justice

Former Chair, Western Region of the Coalition for Juvenile Justice

Former Coordinator, Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) YES Program

Father's Name:


Father's Occupation:

Former Member, Congress

Hobbies or Special Talents:

Reading, dinners with friends, playing music, composing, writing

Mother's Name:


Mother's Occupation:

Former Democratic National Committeewoman, Alaska
