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John Waldron's Biography

  • State House (OK) - District 77, Democratic Minority Caucus Secretary, Minority Caucus Vice Chair

On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for State House (OK) - District 77

Contact Information

2300 North Lincoln Boulevard, Room 546
Oklahoma City, OK 73105

Full Name:

John Waldron




Wife: Krista; 1 Child: Van

Home City:

Tulsa, OK

Masters, International Relations and Affairs, George Washington University, 1991-1995

BA, History, University of Virginia, 1986-1990

Minority Caucus Vice-Chair, Oklahoma State House of Representatives, 2023-present

Minority Caucus Secretary, Oklahoma State House of Representatives, 2023-present

Representative, Oklahoma State House of Representatives, District 77, 2018-present

Assistant Minority Floor Leader, Oklahoma State House of Representatives, 2021-2023

Candidate, Oklahoma State House of Representatives, District 77, 2022

Candidate, Oklahoma State Senate, District 39, 2016

Former Member, Common Education Committee, Oklahoma State House of Representatives

Former Member, Subcommittee on Transportation, Oklahoma State House of Representatives

Former Member, Subcommittee on the Judiciary, Oklahoma State House of Representatives

Social Studies Teacher, Booker T. Washington High School, Tulsa Public Schools, 1999-present

President, United Nations Association, 2011-2013

Teacher, District of Columbia Public Schools, School Without Walls, 1991-1999

Member, Tulsa Classroom Teachers Association, 1999-present


Teacher of the Year, Tulsa
Secondary Educator of the Year, Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence
Teacher Inspiration Prize, Tulsa University

Pets (include names):

Dog: Dash

Reason for Seeking Public Office:

I am a teacher -- not a politician. I have taught social studies at Booker T. Washington High School since 1999. In that time, I've worked with thousands of students, parents, teachers and members of the Tulsa community. I love my job. But I've never been more worried about the future of our state. Education is in crisis -- as is the state budget process, the economy and public services of all kinds. We can't keep recklessly cutting essential services that benefit all Oklahomans.

I have a wonderful wife, Krista -- also a proud public school teacher in Tulsa -- and a precocious seven-year old son named Van. Just like you, I want what's best for my family. And I understand that my family's future is tied up with yours, and with every other member of our community. We all work hard, and we all want our children to have all the opportunities we did, and more. But is our chance for a better future slipping away?

I fear we have a "dust bowl of the mind" looming on the horizon. Cuts to education means we are depriving our children of the opportunities they deserve. Cuts to funds for roads, health care and public safety make our lives more difficult every day. And with a predicted billion dollar deficit coming next year, we can expect more of the same. We are already feeling the effects -- our teachers are leaving or retiring, young people are moving away, and we are at the bottom of too many social indicators

A dust bowl of the mind is brewing -- but we can still stop it. What if, instead of more tax cuts for the wealthy, we invested in our children, our public infrastructure and our people? What if we built world class schools and equipped our teachers with the tools for success? What if businesses looked at Tulsa and Oklahoma as an exciting place in which to locate, because we had developed our human capital to the fullest?

We can have that brighter future if we remember that we have the power to make a new start. When I look at my students, or my son, I see so much promise in their eyes. Oklahomans have so much potential. Are you tired of the same old formula of negativism that dominates our politics? Then vote for change!
