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Robert Derlet's Biography

Contact Information

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Full Name:

Robert 'Bob' W. Derlet




Married; 4 Children

Birth Place:

Los Angeles, CA

Graduated, University of California-Santa Cruz, 1975

MD, Medicine, University of California-San Francisco, 1971-1973

Candidate, United States House of Representatives, California, District 4, 2016

Professor Emeritus/ Department Chair, University of California-Davis

Chief of Staff/ Emergency Room Physician/ Internal Medicine Resident, University of California-Davis Medical Center, 1975-2016

Former Primary Care Physician, Me-Wuk Indian Health Center, 2012-2015

No organizational membership information on file.

Favorite Book:

"Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain,
"Into Thin Air" by Jon Krakauer,
"Casino Royale" by Ian Fleming

Favorite Movie:

Three Days of the Condor, Sicko, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Favorite Musician:

The Beach Boys, Bruce Springsteen, The Doors, Janice Joplin, Johnny Cash

Favorite Quote:

Believe you can and you're halfway there. - Theodore Roosevelt

Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear. - Mark Twain

Favorite TV Shows:

A Few Minutes with Andy Rooney, Grey's Anatomy, The Amazing Race

Hobbies or Special Talents:

Family, gardening, backpacking, road and mountain biking

Priority Issues:

Fight to keep good jobs in the USA, increase wages, and secure benefits.
- Protect older Americans. Prevent privatization of Social Security and Medicare.
- Defend all Americans from unfair and deceptive Wall Street practices.
- Reduce healthcare costs by decreasing insurance premiums, deductibles, co-pays, and prescription drug prices.
- Safeguard all women's rights, from equal pay to healthcare privacy and freedom.
- Ensure all our young people have access to affordable higher education and are able enter the workforce without crushing debt.
- Strengthen the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts. Protect district water rights.
- Tackle climate change.
